Sun, Feb 9, 8:51 AM CST

2007 Year End Review/Happy New Year!!

Poser Pin-ups posted on Dec 31, 2007
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First off, Happy New Year to You and Yours, may 2008 be a good year for you! Last year I did a "year end review" of sorts, and so I thought I'd do the same this year. I've assembled all my thumbs from the images I've posted here this year. Now, before you say "stop being lazy, give us more elf titties!", I should say that many times I'll put a lot of thought into making my thumbs, and since many of you come here directly via e-bots, I thought I'd show them (come on, it's only once a year!). Sometimes I'll just open up my gallery here and stare at my thumbs for a minute or so, as it gives me an impression over what exactly I've been doing for the last couple of weeks/months and how far I've progressed (or failed to progress). In this case, counting them up it would appear that this year was the year of "Busty Elves In Peril". While I enjoy making that series, I think I'd like to get back to doing more sci-fi, and social commentary in 2008. This year was also the year they took nudity out of thumbs, which made things a little difficult. There were some close calls, and sometimes I had to hastily make a new thumb or just re-use one rather than have an image pulled. The censor bubbles I added here were for thumbs from before the rule change, I didn't feel like putting a nudity flag today just for 2 small thumbs in this image. To end off, Here's a few things that I'd like to highlight that were important milestones for me, that aren't necessarily reflected in the attention they received. If you haven't already, I'd invite you to take a look: My renderosity blog-> Click here. I don't want to be a "READ MY BLOG" kind of guy, and in fact all I've posted there are Noam Chomsky and Frank Herbert quotes as well as my musings on them. Still, something a little different than the images I post (i.e. no T&A). BEIP: Welcome To Shroomville (comic) -> Click here. A simple 3 panel comic that pretty much lays out the core what the series is about. Here's a hint, it sure as hell isn't about linear story-telling! Never Give Up (For Giolon) -> click here. I've learned a lot this year about what Poser 7 can do, and what my computer CAN'T. I think I've found a way to get pleasant results regardless... T'Pol In Decon -> Click here. There's been much T'Pol development this year, I just thought this one came out pretty cool. BEIP: Alis Gratuitous Nudity Pinup -> Click here. I haven't done much social commentary in my images this year, but here I managed to sneak some into a pinup. So that's 2007. What will 2008 bring? As always, much that is unexpected... Happy New Year!!!

Comments (46)



2:23PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Splendid 2008 You to dear Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



2:25PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

fantastic concept, excellent!



2:25PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Wow! Impressive bodies of work!! You have been busy indeed! And provided much needed entertainment for the gang! Wishing you an equally creative and prolific year in 2008!!



2:42PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Impressive little collage you've got going there! I've always enjoyed the ladies you come up with, nudity or not(nudity more so, of course, LOL). I hope to see more of your great work in the new year.



2:54PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

The Chimera was busy this year.... awesome pics and here's to a bunch of new ones in '08... Have a Happy (and Safe) New Year my friend... Cheers/mes



3:04PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

A wonderful collage of your excellent work. A Happy and safe New Year! :o)



3:10PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Well I won't be one to say "stop being lazy, give us more elf titties!" for sure lol I think your characters were looking better and better towards the end, so that's good and a good year :) So good continuation in 2008 and have a wonderful new year!



3:21PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Happy New Years!



3:27PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Alright all the episodes! On one easy site!



3:31PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

I think T'Pol in decon was my faveorite for the year! Good work!


3:43PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Fantastic, those thumbs are little works of art!



3:49PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

very this..



3:52PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Excellent presentation!!! Happy New Year to You too!



5:14PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Happy New Years!


6:06PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Quite a bit of work for one year and all of it great stuff. Hopefully 2008 will be good for you too, as well as, you fans. Cheers Ojim



6:22PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Cool recap, you released a lot of art that I enjoyed very much my friend.



6:27PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Happy New year back at ya. A prolific year indeed! Next year will be even better!!


6:38PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Always wonderful work! Happy New Year to you too!



6:47PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Great to see all the where are all the other fingers ? Now down to business, you have done some great stuff this past year and improving each time, looking forward to more. BIG CHEERS 2008



7:09PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Absolutely brilliant idea! I'm sorry...I have to do it too! You had some absolutely standout images this year. The "Borealis Room", "Never Give Up", and "PlayHutt - Pimp your R2 Unit" were some of my top favorites.



8:32PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

Excellent collection of thumbs ... keep up the good work! Happy New Year to you and yours!!!



9:16PM | Mon, 31 December 2007

wow and sweet



4:38AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Fantastic review! Happy new year to you!



5:31AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!



8:02AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Bonne année 2008 à toi ,avec de magnifiques nouveaux dessins!!!!!!!



10:17AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Hon', I wish you a peaceful and healthy new year 2008! I have to say that I loved all of your works in 2007, but if you'll return to the Sci-Fi images, I honestly would love that. More Twileks pretty please! And with big boobs please, cause otherwise they wouldn't be your Twileks :o) Take care and happy new year, ~Sassy~



11:32AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Excellent, Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



11:39AM | Tue, 01 January 2008

Excellent work! Have a Happy New Year!


3:36PM | Tue, 01 January 2008

cheers dude..I enjoyed your work in 07..keep it coming.



5:14PM | Tue, 01 January 2008

happy new year to you as well friend :D either way i think a year in review is a good idea A+5

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