So...this is where I hang on Renderosity...
PLEASE take a minute out of your busy day and click this link:
They're having trouble getting enough FREE CLICKS to feed the animals. It's free, not filled with spyware and these people need help feeding the critters. In this economy you may not be able to do much, but you can take a minute to click on the link--click the button and feed a hungry critter. Thank you.
I've been playing with Poser for a few years now. I don't consider myself an artist, but Poser makes it possible for some of the pictures in my head to find release...I think that's kind of cool.
I live in Denver Colorado with my electrician husband, two Filas named Shiva and Thunder; two Cavies--- AKA Guinea Pigs named Tweak and Renfield plus the Iron Paw Kitten that runs this household ragged, Arabella. I'm an astrologer and psychic by trade---Poser person for relaxation and I create characters for Poser---just to feed the habit.
I am a Premier artist over at Renderotica as well as being top tester over there for the last five years. I also test for various merchants here at Rosity and am available to do testing---just send a site mail. I tend to be very thorough, though---so if you are looking for someone to really dig and find any problems--- then I'm the one. :)
Here's a link about Filas to give you a better idea of my room-mates:
Rev: Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Now we have one Fila. Shiva died from old age Saturday, October 20th, 2007 at 5:45 AM. She was going to be 17 on February 25, 2008. I can't believe what an enormous hole she left in our house. It's like the heart of the house is gone.
And now we have a kitten---see above. The Incredible Miss Itty Bitty Pretty Shitty Kitty Mitty Maow Maow, AKA Arabella and a few other colorful names I won't mention here out of a sense of decorum. She has miles and MILES of attitude...
Hover over top left image to zoom.
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Comments (33)
she is sexy nice image!!!:)
Excellent work!
A truely stunning portrait :)
Looks awesome, i just hit render on my first Justice Pic cant wait to see how it looks. Love your character by the way she looks ready to kick some ass! :D
Ok just so you don't go "Who's Jim?" I have a little thing I say that I picked up from watching too much Classic Star Trek. When wow just doesn't cut it then I have to say "Damit Jim!" So just so you know this desirves no less than a "Damit JIm!!!""
Lovely scifi-girl - with great textures allover....... :o)) And the lighting is great...
Wow! You did a fabulous job all around! What great light, colours and composition! You discouraged me with your specs lol my computer is not nearly as powerful... should I try anyway? lol
Jaw dropping!!!
Superb scene! fantastic outfit!
Superce this bottom and very captivating colors ,your secret ??? Cheer and mile mercies still my Beautiful You merits fruit of your passions. ((5++))...................................((Superce ce fond et les couleurs très captivantes Ton secret ??? Bravo et mile mercis encore ma Belle .Tu mérites le fruit de tes passions . ((5++))
Fab Artwork =0)
Wonderful artwork.
Terrible dessin!!!!!!!BRAVO
Well with all she has on of the armor, your machine rendered her great. Some heavy renders I can feel the earth shaking hehe. I love the Justic Armor. You did a great scene with it.
It looks fantastic what you have done here!! I also love AS clothes much, but I don´t render SciFi often.
lwperkins Online Now!
I love all the detail you can see in the big version--the lights are perfect, and everything looks wonderful with raytracing--it must be nice to be able to be use the full possibilities of the renderer (wistful look). Danica is sooo stately and gorgeous--I think her lips are especially magnif!
Utterly wonderful image!!
love the clothes love the scene awesome pic
Awesome! Simply awesome. Karen :)
Fabulous image. :)
Extremely interesting render effect on this,
Fantastic work,beautiful colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fantastic work!!
Gorgeous work!!
awesome image! I love the colors!
Fantastic colors. Exelent work
Awesome scene and light!