Mon, Feb 17, 10:09 PM CST


Poser (none) posted on Dec 07, 2007
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Was working on this girl (Danica) when I got the notice about AS's Justice hitting the store. AS is one of those vendor's I always put a little cash aside for---I have about three that I do that with. :) This thing is resource heavy...I didn't do a lot of experimenting since I wanted to see what it was going to take and if my computer could handle it. My computer is about 2 years old---one of the first Dual Core's to come out. It did get it rendered with reflections and shadows on---I could feel some marked slowing with it though. Here's my computer specs: P4 DualCore EXTREME 4.37 G,4 Gigs OCZ GOLD SDRAM, Invidia 7800 with 512 RAM on the board, 1600 FSB, with over a terabyte of hard drive space on 4 Maxtor SATAII drives--XP Pro Rendered in P7, Saint Fox Lights---love them to death! Full shadows, displacement and raytracing. I have Danica-V4.1 full textures, which are kind of high res since I'm working on her textures right now, Bijou Hair, floating island by Traveler and of course the Justice Armor. So it's a bit of a resource hog. :D Anyway---just goofin with new toys... :) C-YA! Laura

Comments (33)



2:10PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

she is sexy nice image!!!:)


2:17PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Excellent work!



2:17PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

A truely stunning portrait :)



2:19PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Looks awesome, i just hit render on my first Justice Pic cant wait to see how it looks. Love your character by the way she looks ready to kick some ass! :D



2:43PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Ok just so you don't go "Who's Jim?" I have a little thing I say that I picked up from watching too much Classic Star Trek. When wow just doesn't cut it then I have to say "Damit Jim!" So just so you know this desirves no less than a "Damit JIm!!!""



2:54PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Lovely scifi-girl - with great textures allover....... :o)) And the lighting is great...



3:15PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Wow! You did a fabulous job all around! What great light, colours and composition! You discouraged me with your specs lol my computer is not nearly as powerful... should I try anyway? lol



3:19PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Jaw dropping!!!



3:32PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Superb scene! fantastic outfit!



3:49PM | Fri, 07 December 2007




3:50PM | Fri, 07 December 2007




4:05PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Superce this bottom and very captivating colors ,your secret ??? Cheer and mile mercies still my Beautiful You merits fruit of your passions. ((5++))...................................((Superce ce fond et les couleurs très captivantes Ton secret ??? Bravo et mile mercis encore ma Belle .Tu mérites le fruit de tes passions . ((5++))


4:08PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Fab Artwork =0)



4:32PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Wonderful artwork.



4:42PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Terrible dessin!!!!!!!BRAVO



5:42PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Well with all she has on of the armor, your machine rendered her great. Some heavy renders I can feel the earth shaking hehe. I love the Justic Armor. You did a great scene with it.



7:03PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

It looks fantastic what you have done here!! I also love AS clothes much, but I don´t render SciFi often.


lwperkins Online Now!

7:06PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

I love all the detail you can see in the big version--the lights are perfect, and everything looks wonderful with raytracing--it must be nice to be able to be use the full possibilities of the renderer (wistful look). Danica is sooo stately and gorgeous--I think her lips are especially magnif!



8:01PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

Utterly wonderful image!!


9:36PM | Fri, 07 December 2007

love the clothes love the scene awesome pic



12:34AM | Sat, 08 December 2007

Awesome! Simply awesome. Karen :)



12:48AM | Sat, 08 December 2007

Fabulous image. :)



5:32AM | Sat, 08 December 2007

Extremely interesting render effect on this,



10:00AM | Sat, 08 December 2007

Fantastic work,beautiful colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1:51PM | Sat, 08 December 2007

fantastic work!!



4:19PM | Sat, 08 December 2007




11:04PM | Sat, 08 December 2007

Gorgeous work!!



11:41PM | Sat, 08 December 2007

awesome image! I love the colors!


9:23AM | Sun, 09 December 2007

Fantastic colors. Exelent work



11:04AM | Sun, 09 December 2007

Awesome scene and light!

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