Thu, Feb 6, 6:59 AM CST

Panorama of 15th first pavilions, along the Seine

Maya Historical posted on Mar 12, 2007
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Now the first step of my project of 3d reconstruction of the Paris Worlds Fair 1900 is complete with the 15 first pavilions. Here's the long panorama picture of these buildings along the river Seine, between the Invalides gate and Alma's gates. Could you imagine that in the center of Paris in 1900 ? ;-D (click on the picture for the 4000 pixels larger)

Comments (28)


8:10AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

woww, so impressiv work and excellent composition and color !!! Fantastic !!! Bonne semaine :)



8:12AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

This is such a monster size project and so skillfully done!



8:17AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Bellissima immagine...grazie dall'Italia. Wonderful work!


8:23AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Fantastic, extreme to say the least, very impressively Cool!!!



8:29AM | Mon, 12 March 2007 see them we can really understand how huge is this project! AMAZING!



8:47AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Un projet fou fou fou .... Magnifique boulot.... et encore courage pour la suite ... Tu es en route pour un chef-d'oeuvre ...



9:07AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

This is so great! You really deserve much more than the well-deserved accolades from us!



9:20AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

this is really outstanding work !!!



9:24AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Incredible undertaking with fantastic results! Awesome!



9:31AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Wonderful panorama Dear friend!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx



9:37AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Felicitaciones, un conjunto extraordinario !



10:07AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Magnifico! Stunning work! :B eaver !



11:51AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Very impressive and varied reconstructions.



11:54AM | Mon, 12 March 2007

WOW! Incredible job! I'm so impressed!


12:31PM | Mon, 12 March 2007

As everyone has said "Fantastic" . incredible work. Glad to see Belgium there since I was born there. Keep up this wonderful work. What is exceptional is that aside from the Architectural details you created the right atmosphere and each pavillon is like a postcard of the day (remeniscent of the hand colored photographs). BRAVO ! Hope that at the end of this large project you will create a bird's eye view of the entire exposition. Looking forward to your next installment.



1:21PM | Mon, 12 March 2007

La desure italienne est impressionnante sur ce panorama ! Belle ape que voil Laurent ! Depuis le temps que je te "fruente" je n'arrive quand me pas m'habituer tes superbes rendus et je reste toujours oustouflchaque fois. Vivement la suite .... ;-)



4:20PM | Mon, 12 March 2007

Awesome work, top modelling and fantastic renders and of course the post is wonderful as well.



5:26AM | Tue, 13 March 2007

Outstanding accomplishment! This is a project of epic dimension!!



5:44AM | Tue, 13 March 2007

Whaouw... thanks for all these good comments... the support is incredible... that give me the force to work on the next steps... thanks my friends ! laurent


1:26AM | Fri, 23 March 2007

great work



1:36PM | Mon, 26 March 2007

Fantastic work Laurent! I love that antique postcard look. Great color.



9:00AM | Sat, 31 March 2007

C'est la desure totale! Impressionnant. Bon courage pour ce projet de malade! Cela dit, c'est den tr bonne voie.



7:27AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

This is just amazing!. What a wonderful work you've made here. Really well done. It deserves a lot more than 5 stars, but that's all you can get on here. Keep it up! Rodrigo.



9:58AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Great seeing them all together now! Have you done a QTVR of this yet? Mak



1:16PM | Sun, 01 April 2007

virtuallyhistorical -> as it's a range, I must acknowledge to doesn't think about that... but why not, that could be fun... thanks for the idea ! the good idea ;-)



10:34AM | Sun, 15 April 2007

Simply astonishingly amazing!! Must have taken you months to do this. Great job!



12:45AM | Mon, 16 April 2007

imagynart... you're right, almost 1 year ;-) Thanks for the comment !


3:17AM | Wed, 24 September 2008

this series is a fabulos work and shows great skills. a great projekt!!1

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