Mon, Feb 10, 9:00 PM CST

Pavillon Royal de l'Italie

Maya Historical posted on Feb 09, 2007
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It's done my friends... ...the 15th pavilion, the one of Italy is now finished... and also the first step of my project. I must acknoledge to be really happy. I've planed one year to do this first part... and that make me one year and 10 days, I'm not late because I do these 15, and more : an another pavilion, the monumental gate, the electric train, the moving sidewalk, a boat... finally, I was faster than I've planed. The next step will be to prepare the trailer... the last images about the Italian pavilion are actually in rendering for few days... then, certainly something visible online in a couple of weeks. The story don't stop here... I'm ready to start with the second part of the project, the 8 another pavilions just situated behind this first range of 15... but before, certainly I will do the 2 bridges and 2 footbridges situates of each side of this range of pavilions. I must thank you all, for your always good comments, for your interest and especially for your kindness... again much thanks for the AOM vote... merci... You are all the "key" of my motivation... THANKS THANKS THANKS laurent

Comments (19)



5:48AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

J'ai comme l'impression d'avoir vu cette image quelque part ....;-)(private joke) Finalement c'est celle que je pre ! Bonne journ Dom



5:56AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Hahaha well done Mhyrdin... you're the one !



5:58AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Wow, great attention to detail, great mood! Excellent work! :)) Strata



6:04AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Wow! Quel dail! Je crois que c'est la plus impressionnante jusqu'ici. Vraiment superbe! Ficitations pour la premie ape!


6:12AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Ohhhh, c'est magnifique !!! Cette batisse me fait pensait au palais de danse sur les quai de Gualdalquivir !!! Super Laurent !!! Bisous et bonne journ vous deux ;)



6:13AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Les dails sont impressionnants, c'est superbe bravo, en visitant ta galerie, j'ai eu un coup de coeur pour "les glaneuses" un grand bravo pour l'ensemble de ton travail!!!!!!!!!!



6:31AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Fantastic, as always!!!



7:01AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Thsi is my favorite so far. Excellent work.



7:38AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

C'est superbe et magnifique! This is one of my favorite buildings in the world--your render and construction makes it look even more lovely, and your skill is amazing!



10:04AM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Wow !! Terriblement impressionant... J'aimerais observer de plus pr le niveau de dail, qui a l'air dtr pris ! Excellent model and lightning !



12:28PM | Fri, 09 February 2007

glad to see the series continue..



1:13PM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Stunning beautiful and complex ! building.Have you done any realistic renderings of these buildings?



2:28PM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Congratulations! That was a tremedous amount of work. Brilliantly modelled and beautiful renderings! (I for one would chose the Portugese Pavillon, if you please would reserve that for me ;o)



7:13PM | Fri, 09 February 2007

Wonderful work, thanks for sharing your great skills with us and hope to see many more of your beautiful buildings in the gallery. Bravo



2:52PM | Sun, 11 February 2007

another beauty



4:16PM | Sun, 11 February 2007

fantastic. What patience you have! ;o)Tanc



2:26AM | Mon, 12 February 2007

Hello friends, thanks for all these great comments... glad to see you continue to appreciate the project. MidnightSon have asked to see more details, that will be possible soon, with the trailer, it remain me again much work, but that comes ;-)


5:54PM | Thu, 15 February 2007

Incredible detail. It looks like a painting!



6:28AM | Tue, 24 April 2007

Great work & a contribution to art history !

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