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Photography Macro posted on Jul 12, 2006
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Another shot of a butterfly with different angle view and composition! thanks for all your comments! have a great day! The superb and very original last post of Michel, a scene absolutely unique! thumb_1252792.jpg "Bees squadron!" and my previous post: thumb_1252543.jpg "Papillon 2!"

Comments (27)



3:03AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Utterly fantastic.



3:05AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Hey ! I love colors here - photo is wonderful !and this leaf ! super !



3:05AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

WOW I've gotta get out and take some butty pics sigh Every pic of your is utterly amazing!!! Thanks for sharing! :)


3:16AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, la perfectionnnnn!!!!! incroyable ce travail mon grand!!! J'adore... Rien a redire!!! Bisousss et bonne journ ;)



3:19AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Brilliant photo and love the POV:)



3:33AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Very impressive POV. The colour is sure enhanced by your settings.It would be nice if this butterfly flew and you got it in flight too.



4:40AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Looks like he is ready to take off. Beautiful capture. Aloha



4:44AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Absolutely on the mark! Excellent



5:20AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Excellent composition and POV.



6:45AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Gorgeous capture Philippe! I love the way the sunlight is lighting its wings! Simply marvelous indeed! Have a fantastic day my friend!



7:20AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Oooooh!!! I tell ya....your latest butt-shots have been nothing but SPECTACULAR!!! This one just blows me away. What an incredible capture!!! The colors and clarity is outstanding!!!! Have a great day. #:O)


10:02AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

detail of head is wonderful. Shows things I've never seen or noticed about a butterfly before. Excellent.



10:15AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Love the pov and clarity! Amazing shot! :)



10:45AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

une merveille Michel a du souci se faire



11:53AM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Superb composition both with form and colour - congratulations on a fabulous image :)



12:17PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Ah, je voulais photographier un papillon pour ma spial di du jour, mais je n'ai eu qu'un bourdon, dol! superbe image Philippe!!!! Bravo!!!



1:32PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Aaaah, c'est vrai que la partie devient ! J'admire ton angle de vis tr original ! Et le rultat est une macro magnifique (il ne suffit donc pas d'avoir du bon matos !) Quelle bonne id tu as eu de me lancer ce di ludique et amical, Philippe ! C'est un chouette stimulant ! Mais, ce qui me manque le plus, c'est le temps... Bonne soir, cher ami :~)



2:00PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Wow...that's really a fascinating shot. Outstanding POV, details and colors. Fantastic!!!



2:28PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Gorgeous and delicate macro! Stunning!



2:39PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

The butterfly looks like a colorful kite. Wonderful macro. HUGS!!!



3:20PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Just more then superbe shot my friend :) Love the pov and dof in that lovely piece.. :) EXCELLENT once again.. Thank you JOE



4:06PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Ciao!!Anotyher SUPERB capture!!Fantastic macro!!I love a lot the very nice subject with stunning colors, fantastixc clarity and magnificent composition!!also this time you made a big masterpiece dearest Philippe!!Really well done!!Tank you for sharing!!Have a serene evening!!A big kiss and hugs!!



6:16PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

what a handsome butty. looked like it was posing for you. super clear focus macro



6:48PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Wonderful!! Bravo the POV is ideal!



7:53PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Sweet macro!!!


8:52PM | Wed, 12 July 2006

Amazing & beautiful macro..caught at the perfect angle... :-)



3:27AM | Sun, 23 July 2006

Joli point de vue et toujours une excellente et originale composition. Ta maitrise devient impressionnante. Cette photo est superbe.

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