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~Beam me up Scotty~

Poser Fantasy posted on Jul 08, 2006
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I can't get that stupid 'Star Trekking' song out of my head now... All together now....Startrekking across the Universe, on the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk....We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill.....There's Klingons on the Starboard bow....that's enough of that :) SIL character and props from Time Prisoners 3 by Danie and Marforno - excellent Pack Background from Beyond the Rim by Didi_mc Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment if you have the time, I appreciate each one :) Have a great weekend

Comments (62)



5:54AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

I didn't know you were a trekie Bez??? lol This lighting is spectacular, very beautiful art!



6:05AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

"Well, it's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it. It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain." Damn, know I have this song in my head, too!!! You remember the cool "animated" music video... LOL Wonderful picture! Yeah, beam us up, scotty!!! :)



6:11AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

awesome image


6:15AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Damn cool!



6:21AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

there's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow. There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim. my all time fav star trek song!! awesome image bez!!!


6:27AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

I like teh textures used and the shade of the colors. It's an excellent compo. have a good day



6:38AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Fantastic lighting and excellent realization very imaginative.....!!!!



6:55AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

"... There's no intelligent life down here!" Star Trek allusions aside... Great work! Gorgeous character and outfit, and great lighing!



6:55AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Stunning, I love how you did the light rays.



7:02AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

We come in peace, shoot to kill shoot to kill, we come in peace shoot to kill, shoot to kill men. couldn't resist great job.



7:12AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Marvellous work sweety, all is so cool wowow really wonderful bye bye kisses Orietta



7:23AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Excellent scene very well done!!!!!!!!!!!!



7:58AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Really Really nice pic!!!



7:58AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Amazing image! I love the effects you have used. The light above her is fantastic! Most excellent SciFi!!



8:03AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Fantastic scene, love her pose and this awesome lighting... Excellent work!!! Hugs E


8:04AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Fantastic work!! Love it!!



8:13AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

I love the color you chose to use for the beams. The lighting is so perfect and so is everything else. Outstanding composition!



8:30AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Beautifully Done!



8:40AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Awesome sci-fi! It's nothing short of excellent!!! Take care!..Dave.



8:58AM | Sat, 08 July 2006



DM Online Now!

9:10AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Fantastic image, effects and mood ... i like the title, hehe ... Excellent! :)



9:20AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

This is awesome.... most excellent work :)



9:37AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Very cool image Bez! Lovely work =)



10:02AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Ohhhh come on... now I will never get that song out of my head!!! This is a great image though perfectly executed! (and I suppose there are FAR worse songs to be stuck in my head..LOL)


10:06AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Oh Bez WOW!!! You come up with the greatest idea!! This one is amazing!! Excellent!! tonz of hugz



10:10AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

"I jus' cannut do it captain. I DON'T HAVE THE POWER!!!!!" lmao. This is new. Who knew you were such a trekkie, Bez. Amazing work on the transporter beam. The girl looks Beautiful, too. Excellent work, Bez! The late great James Doohan himself would be proud. - Matt


10:20AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Gorgeous image! great lightning effect!



11:01AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

Fantastic effect and tones, beautifully done.



11:23AM | Sat, 08 July 2006 always!



11:35AM | Sat, 08 July 2006

lol to funny. But this is awesome. Nice lighting here. beautifully done Bez.

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