Wed, Feb 19, 3:06 PM CST


Fractal Landscape posted on Feb 02, 2006
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Ultrafractal 4.02 -- Photoshop 7 (kanji text) Finally something worth showing to someone other than my doggie-bud, Lars, happened on my monitor - lol. I played with this one thru like 23 versions over a week and a half b4 I finally settled for this one. Sheesh - talk about picky! lol Been a while since I got that wrapped up in one of these mega-layer thingies. This one started out "painted" on a wrinkled, brick red background but 2/3 of the way thru I changed to the colorful backdrop. I tried to duplicate the style of japanese art where things are painted sorta "2d" without much shading - the leaves - and are "stylized" like the "sun". But I ended up shading the "bamboo" anyway. Tough figuring out the ribs in the bamboo but then I remembered a "trick" (the colored, diamond "lights" along the side of the rollercoaster "track") I found on one I made last year called "Space Mountain": If you use Toby's "Simply Spirals" formula and the Mode Switch, there's a certain "location" where you can make the forms in the spiral go in a straight line. So I made a line of Orbit Traps "point" balls and then stretched/skewed them so that the balls were long, skinny ovals and Walla!, that's a town in Washington....Viola!, that's a tiny cello....Voila! lol. Anyhoo - hope y'all enjoy this one. Sorry I've been absent a lot the last month or two. Just got burnt out and exhausted but I think I've got my second wind, now. Thanks for stopping by! :-?) Rick ***(Fine art giclee' prints of most of my work are available in limited edition on archival paper or canvas - e-mail: and get busy filling that empty spot on the wall! Unique, "one-of-a-kind" (edition size = 1) prints are also available*** :-)

Comments (77)



6:52AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

I can't believe this is UF. It looks so close to a real japanese handpainting. Terrific job!!!



6:59AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Beautiful Rick!!! This is a real 'wall-hanger!' Love it! I especially love the bamboo! Excellent work! V (:



7:01AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

A wonderful and very creative realization Rick....!!! Excellent combination of elements....!!! V



7:05AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Its great and cool and very artistic, but has not much to do with fractal so as we see fractals normal. Its a stillife that you can only create with UF as basic fractal program for the simple reason that UF is much more then a fractal program Its a graphic wizard box full of tools and yes you are a real master in using this tools Rick Full respect for that Keep coming with you wonderful worlds ,I enjoy it


7:05AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Excelent work, Rick, the leaves are absolutely wonderful, I love that free shape of them a lot. bamboo - very very nice, excelent realistic effect. The water and the reflection - very well worked out. You kept the original master's trick about the perspective with the dim - great sence. Ii am glad you are back with this work.Hugs,Lisa:)



7:07AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Very beautiful japanese style,love the mood!!**


Jack Casement

7:37AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

An amazing piece of work. This is a welcome relief from spirals which, on the whole' I find a tad boring. As THEN said it is hard to believe it is UF. More please



7:46AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Incredible. And beautiful too!



8:04AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

It's a very beautiful picture and I would quite happily hang it in my house and it's technically very cleverly done but a little part of me says, yes, but I prefer my fractals to be obviously fractals and not look like paintings. Thanks for confusing me - as if I wasn't confused enough!!



8:13AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

dont know how to say wonderful in japanese, so you have to do it with dutch, heel mooi. RS



8:15AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Nice one, Rick! Making bamboo with UF is not the easiest thing to do. I've tried it before. The pale sky adds the perfect mood to this peice.



8:22AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Holy cow bells Rick!



8:58AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

excellant isnt a good enough ranking for this image i would say INCREDIBLE is a more fitting ranking V



9:07AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Wonderful image my friend,outstanding work !!!!!V



9:12AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

What about sending it for the 2008 fractal calendar - they'd be pretty much confused :-) Just kidding! I wouldn't even think that it's done with a fractal program had you not told us. I applause your patience to create such an image!


9:13AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Exquisite piece in every aspect.



9:35AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Ah! (No words...) V



9:38AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

wow Rick, this is a masterpiece IMO, I love how you managed to create a japanese vibe, in colors and shapes, more than excellent stUFf!!



9:50AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

The bamboo rocks - and so do the leaves! Wait, the background and perspective rock too! It's a fantabulous digital painting, Rick!



10:03AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Again....exquisitely beautiful! And what a neat tweak to a program. Bravo!!



10:14AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

It's exquisite, Rick! Everyone else has talked about the bamboo and mountain, so I will say that the rice paper feel of the background and the plants (with tiny PURPLE flowers) in the foreground really knock me out :)



10:36AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

cool work here!


10:39AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Oh my.. I like! Delicious coloring, amazing fine detail and composition, and the paper texture is suberb. Outstanding artwork!



10:40AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

So beautiful it brings tears to my eyes.



10:40AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

It's a wonderful Fuji-san! utsukushi desu!



11:24AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

speechless and that says something coming from me. The plant on the left front looks like a christmas cactus but with much more delicate flowers on it, just perfect for that sphere you created here..


11:35AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Thank you for sharing your congenial idea with the bamboo! This is something I really love about UF, that one can have these sudden creative flashes, light bulbs in the head. I would have loved to see the whole scene in your 3d bamboo style though. You know, it is impossible to imitate minimalistic japanese and chinese 2d ink drawing masters, so there is the danger that this stuff tends to get too close to these restaurant paintings, if you know what I mean. And that would be too cheap for your potential. Hope you don't mind me saying this but you get so much wowed by the fractal community that I think you can take this. And still,yes, very amazing what you succeed to squeeze out of the program!



11:39AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

Very lovely scene and nice that you can create this sort of thing with UF. I have really never given that program enough of a chance to know all of the aspects of such a fractal program, might have to explore this more :) Wonderful work !!~**~!!



11:49AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

A masterpiece from the Master - my compliments SIR - I am sitting here in my kimono admiring your art - congratulations :O)



11:58AM | Thu, 02 February 2006

exotic,elegant and very beautiful,an unique piece of art work and so excellent executedV

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