Sat, Feb 15, 11:34 AM CST

Balmoral Castle

Photography Architecture posted on Aug 02, 2005
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Hey everyone! WOW!!!!!!Thank you for all the wonderful comments you left on my last upload.Wow,again!!!What a generous bunch you are!I knew I liked you, good deed deserves to go unpunished,right?LOL!Just because you were sooooo nice to's another one,lol!...Yup!From Scotland! LOL! This is the 'backside',lol,of Balmoral castle,the 'official' Scottish home of the royal family.Frankly,I was afraid to upload this pic.Don't get me wrong,I'm happy with it,but I thought you guys would be disappointed with the lack of 'oomph' it has.I've been trying so hard to bring you different and unusual shots,I was thinking this would bore you all to tears! But....You were all so kind with my 'virgin' macro,(LOL),and extra generous with my nauseating postwork in yesterday's pic,that I thought,hey,maybe I should take a chance! Okay,it's not the most visually stimulating image.But I do like it.It's one of the few shots I took multiples of,(yes Jim,lol)because I wanted to make sure I got it.I picked the best one,changed it to grayscale,then quadtoned it, and there you are.I think it at least LOOKS like I know what I'm doing! LOL! Thanks for looking.You guys are incredibly generous and supportive,ya know that????Wow.I am so blessed to have found such a wonderful place as this...Okay.Gonna shut up now.LOL. Have a great week everyone.See yaaaa and MMMMWAH!!!!-Marlene

Comments (48)



6:44AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

What the Hell!!! What is not impressive here!!!! Arfff Marlene!!! This is great! It has a dark deep atmospheric WOW!!!! Okay i'm bad in english :-p But damn what a fantastic one! So take the flowers and do excellent job! Have a wonderful day my dear! HugeHugs



6:52AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Well Marlenouche sweety, I think u nailed this one beautifully!!! What a great shot and what a great toning!!! Nothing "wrong" to say about this one!! I just love it!!!



7:14AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

looks cool - it's a bit dark - but on the other side it adds to the mood... :) well done shot of this great castle...


7:19AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

My God...I agree with Zabeth..It's uncanny...wonderfull!!!:))



7:50AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

a wonderful and dreamy shot! this castle is like a fable! but the contrast of the colours give a mysterious feeling



8:15AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Dear Marlene, I absolutely insist that you continue to boor me :-) Your gray scale is superb and the mood is breathtaking; the image is crisp and inspiring and ungodly beautiful. Superb is a microscopic word.



9:28AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I love the tones you got here, very well balanced, looks wonderful :) As for the compo, I don't know what was to the left, maybe something not necessarily worth showing (:D) but it would look better if you could get a bit of 'finishing off' space there, like you did to the right. But that's a detail, the whole pic is wow-great :)))


9:42AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Wonderful tones and the sky is well maintained and not blown out on this overcast shot. Very well done Marlene.



9:45AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Okay!!! I'm getting a little suspicious here.....does everyone meet in Scotland and no one invited me????? All I get is to look at all the surperb pics everyone takes.......yes Marlene...I said surperb! Oh yes....and I'm way to bored to leave a comment.......HELLO!!! I'd quit my day job and just stare at pictures at RR all day if I wouldn't starve to death first!



10:39AM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I don't want to disapoint you, but the House of Winsor has never been known for having particular good taste - in castles or anything else!


12:20PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I didn't get to go to Scotland either. Ah well, got all these cool images to look at - Great tones - very well exposed. Kinda' agree with niutek about the left side, ummm, maybe crop that split window out? Dunno.



12:53PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

As a Brit I just have to comment. the Royals (capital "R" Marlene...tut-tut) are an expensive commodity but I did see Charles and Camilla in the town next to ours the other week...yep, truly did...they were attending a local fete or something...and do you know what...I didn't have my damn camera with me that will just have to take my word for it. At leat the Royal premises are accessible and this pic shows how the other half live.



2:44PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Very well done... an exceptional result !



2:50PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

what a beautiful and amazing castle! very moody presented with a dramatic sky! ;o)



3:01PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

wow..what a beautiful moody shot



3:11PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Wow! fantastic shot!Superb quality!Excellent render!! Very well done!!V



3:16PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I think you got the toning down right on this.I know how hard that kind of sky can be to work with, as they are typical here too. Also you got the right amount of structure in the frame. So Bravo Marlene ...just one little detail could use some attention.



4:21PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Very beautiful home indeed! It looks a bit scary all dark like this but then I have a vivid imagination.. LOL It must've been so cool to take pics like this! This one is very professional looking to me and I really like the nice white window frames. Love the sky. I'd love to see it in color. ;-) (((Huge Hugs Back)))


4:33PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

lol the back side of balmoral.. hehehehe the servants entrance ... skies are hard to work with special the grim days in Britian..and youve done a grade job its absolutely beautiful..ashamed to say never visited this place... but will have to nip down to sandringham for you.. one day.. its close hugs.. marlene its gorgeous :)...))))))))



4:55PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I love this castle ! The lighting is erie, but has a certain mystical feeling about it...would love to see more agnles of this one...Wonderful job Marlene!


5:43PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

the architecture and the choice of the b&w are very good. it's an excellent photograpphy. have a good day


5:43PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Wow, how neat! Image the staff to maintain it (naturally a simple maintenance man thinks of things like this)! It's quite elegant though, and obviously kept many a craftsman busy through years of construction. Your photo certainly does it justice!



6:11PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Excellent tones and mood.


6:25PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

wow, a fascinating castle, looks great in this expressive tonal range.simply superb done,Marlene. top notch #:O)



7:15PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

Effective cloudy sky. Here might be a stage of the mystery. You are Agatha Christie. Lol The Windows seem to be new. I like the big clock. Nice mood!



9:58PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

I donot cry for this is super looking. You got the weather as it is there a lot of time ; super looking



10:43PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

A stunning image! Works so well in b/w!


11:01PM | Tue, 02 August 2005

well there's nothing like this around my area that's for sure... i can just imagine how elegant it must be inside & the size of their staff... looks great in the dark mood of the sky & long crop, getting it all in... :]



4:54AM | Wed, 03 August 2005

WOW... this castle looks great! Fascinating architecture! Gorgeous POV and compo, Marlene! v*****


8:17AM | Wed, 03 August 2005

Instead of just greyscaling you could use other methods that can provide better results - but to me, there's nothing wrong in this one. Great mood, sharpeness and the perfect (scotish) weather. I do just wonder why there are no tourists in there? Well done!

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