Sat, Feb 15, 1:19 AM CST

Life in a Vacuum . . . . . Cleaner

Fractal Fractal posted on Jul 09, 2004
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Thanks for the kind words, friends! I'm really encouraged that you are enjoying my "oldies." One more, and then I either make a new image or disappear for a little longer. This is a special request from my long-time friend Marion ("kansas"). I hope you like it! UF, and Mark's fBm Popcorn ucl Linda

Comments (34)



8:50AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

WoW...!!! Impressive job Linda....!! Have a aspecto of a surrealist scuopture....!! Excellent and very beautiful textures and colors...!! Vote



8:56AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Somehow I don't think a real vacuum would be this lovely. lol q-: Fantastic fractal. Really like everything about it! v (:



9:01AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

One of my very favorites of yours. Thanks for posting it!



10:43AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

I still like this one a lot. It is one of my favorites from your art.



11:18AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Wow Linda. This is the first time seeing your art. I am a baby in the Fractal World. I am going to check out your Gallery. This image is really cool!! Thanks!!!



11:50AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Thank you for answering my request with this image which is one of my favorites. Seems that fractals come, and fractals go, but now and then there are certain ones which stick in my mind forever. This is one of those. Thanks so very much. Marion



12:26PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Very beautiful work Linda whether it's a oldie or not! I love your work, and you are a wonderful friend, thanks!


12:27PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

great fractalized design :-))



12:49PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Super image. Well done!



12:56PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

This is really cute...;o)


1:16PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

clapping till her hands get red :)



1:52PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

all this different textures on each part are amazing, a beauty. RS


2:14PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

holy shit! this one knocked me back into my chair. and the title -- very clever :-D -- awesome work!


2:21PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

WoW... this is a great image!!



2:30PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

remarkably tactile!! love the colors too!



3:24PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Wonderfully Done!



4:10PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

Yay!!! I'm sooo glad you posted this - it's a treasure ;) And a beautiful trip down memory lane - I'm with Marion here, it's a favorite!



10:28PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

How many ways are there to make a spiral? This is an excellent piece, Linda. It could use a bit more orange, though. :-)


10:29PM | Fri, 09 July 2004

This is brilliant! I love it! The superb lighting and various textures give this image so much life and depth.


12:46AM | Sat, 10 July 2004

LOL! It's wonderful, Linda!


6:10AM | Sat, 10 July 2004

This is absolutely wonderful, and what a marvelous title..a very superior fractal. Please don't disappear, just keep posting more wonders like this one !!! VOTE



6:52AM | Sat, 10 July 2004

wonderful design love the colors and detail work beautiful



7:31AM | Sat, 10 July 2004

Hello Linda. I have long been an admirer of your fantastic fractals, but didnt know you had a gallery on r'osity. Now i've found you i shall be a regular visitor. Thanks for your comments about my flutterby fantasy. Love the different textures on the beautiful contents of your vaccum cleaner!!



8:09AM | Sat, 10 July 2004

There is a lot of fun in the image. But IMO the background and the object are too far away from each other, they do not merge as good partners. The changing textures are a good feature!



4:47PM | Sat, 10 July 2004

V Love everything about it... This is superb work!!


4:52PM | Sun, 11 July 2004

Very cool image. I don't agree with Andreas. Think the distance makes it interesting



8:33AM | Mon, 12 July 2004

Thsi is much prettier than lint/cat hair we pull from our vacuum! I really like the depth and so many different textures. This is your 'oldies'??!! I'm going have to dig deeper in your gallery!



10:33AM | Wed, 14 July 2004

I decided that Andreas was right and a drop shadow was in order. So I added on and "edited" the original image to the one shown above. Thanks, Andreas!



4:34PM | Mon, 19 July 2004

this is just great! Perfect title for such an unusal piece! :)



10:25AM | Fri, 10 September 2004

Indeed, this image is superb!Very nice diffent textures and colors!

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