Thu, Feb 6, 12:11 PM CST

A Spiral with a New Granulation

Fractal Fractal posted on May 06, 2004
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Thank you for viewing. I hope you can enjoy this image.

And thank you for all the kind comments on my previous images!!

Comments (49)


7:23AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Stupendous!!! thanks, Andreas.



9:49AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

WOW! An amazing dispay of texture creation from the undisputed master of UF texturing. The texture pattern on the orbs is really cool and is the perfect balance for the textures and form of the spiral. Outstanding work, Andreas!



12:02PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Stunning! A truely wonderful composition Andreas. Beautiful tones and amazing texturing as usual :)


1:55PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

i have no words. superb artwork. the textures are awesome. vote !!!!!!!!! #:O) !!!!!!!!



8:07PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Beautiful spiral. You must have the patience of Job in spending so much time getting the wonderful textures you share with us. Thanks.



6:13PM | Sat, 08 May 2004

Fabulous! Incredible textures and excellent composition :)



6:35PM | Sat, 08 May 2004

Fantastic texturing - wonderful work!


2:48PM | Sun, 09 May 2004

A very attractive composition. I love the the colors and the textures. The texture on the bright parts of the spiral is my favorite one.



10:56AM | Mon, 10 May 2004

An abstract masterpiece,well done & vote.


6:12PM | Wed, 12 May 2004

I love this. The texture makes it looks like it has been around forever.


2:17PM | Sun, 16 May 2004

Wow!!! This is the most stunning fractal i have ever seen , how did you get all those wonderful textures and colours , very well done:-)



11:15AM | Thu, 03 June 2004

Awesome. Perfect texturing and coloring. I love its ancient feel.



11:49PM | Wed, 23 June 2004

Wonderful design, shapes and colors. really a great style ! Congratulations !


6:48AM | Mon, 09 August 2004

THis is really great,i see this excellent blend of sea,earth,&the universe,realized by an artist who has paid close attention to all the wonders nature has to offer!


10:39AM | Wed, 11 August 2004

chocolate syrup & ice cream delight!! super texturing & compo! delicious! :]



9:49PM | Sun, 22 August 2004

this is soooo fantastic. totally awesome. 'v'


10:26PM | Sun, 12 December 2004

Hello - You made a kind remark about one of my posts and I have been very slow to respond. I enjoyed your gallery - you have some very beautiful fractals, and they have a different look than many other artists. This is one of my favorites. I also see we both admire bevchiron! Best wishes.



6:58PM | Wed, 26 January 2005

Never seen anything like this. More than 2 worlds joined here. Very Interesting textures. That's what it is,..textures,.. I have never seen them in a fractal other than someone using a post filter.



5:47PM | Thu, 08 June 2006

Tr beau.. mais je n'ai pas aimta fan de me dire bye bye ma tristesse! Je ne sais pas si je reviendrais te voir :)

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