Thu, Feb 13, 7:38 AM CST

Stay quiet !

Vue Fantasy posted on May 06, 2004
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Please, please, be quiet, that metallic guy seems to be pretty angry :) Rendered in Vue d

Comments (50)



12:12AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Absolutely splendid dragon, and I love the green atmosphere in this scene.



2:33AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Great scene, lighting is wonderful!



2:48AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Excellent image. Love the light.


7:02AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

All of the above Norbert, you have a winner here! I LOVE this, a vote and an add to favourite!


8:03AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

So excellent lighting!! Fantastic work!!



8:20AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Just brilliant - as always... :)



11:45AM | Fri, 07 May 2004

I'm stunned! Brilliant work.



2:21PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Excellent scene! beautiful lighting!! I like atmo


4:33PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

WHOA! This is SOOO so great! The vegetation is so realistic looking , and the lighting makes the whole scene look fantastic. GREAT IMAGE!



11:58PM | Fri, 07 May 2004

Norbert....your work is always top notch! Well done. The lighting is fantastic.....



2:08AM | Sat, 08 May 2004

Stunning, Norbert. There is so much in this image; the forest in the back gives a real feeling of depth, esp with the lighting in front of it. The figure poses, foreground vegetation, spots of light coming through the leaf canopy...coloring...just an amazing image. Absolutely top-notch!!! congratulations on an incredible image.



2:24PM | Sat, 08 May 2004

wow norbert this is special the lighting looks just incredible..bravo and my vote..


4:09PM | Sat, 08 May 2004

WOW!! Fantastic image again! Love the lighting .. excellent vegetation and textures and perfect poses. Wonderful work!


7:50AM | Sun, 09 May 2004

Wonderful story and fanstastic lighting. I love this!



3:25PM | Sun, 09 May 2004

Been away and missed this gem! Great light and vegetation and atmosphere. Super! Vote


9:29AM | Mon, 10 May 2004

Wooooowwww !!! wonderful vegetation, nice colours !



10:03AM | Wed, 12 May 2004

Why the heck haven't I commented on this one?!? Terrific job, Norbert! There's a lot I like at this image...the dense forest in the back, which looks very realistic, the neat deatils like the grass growing on the rock, the nice mixture of light and shadow on the grass...bravo!!! :)



11:04AM | Wed, 12 May 2004

Stunning image - amazing details and I like a lot the lighting! An image which tells a story... Vote!


10:57AM | Thu, 13 May 2004

lol! cool image! excellent work!



3:27PM | Thu, 22 July 2004

TheWingedOne is right: great contrast between the patches of light and dark. The composition is nice (strong horizontals contrasting against the vertical of the knight). Love the title, by the way. Based on it, I'm not sure who's trying to stay quiet, the knight, or that wicked dragon...

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