I was born and raised in Italy and I work at graphics and advertising design. I started drawing comics with pencils, brushes and inks since I was a kid, taking inspiration from Roberto Raviola (aka Magnus) and Sergio Toppi, two of the greatest artists of all time, in my opinion.
In the following years I have engaged myself to create surreal landscapes using airbrush, enamel paint and various mixed media, until I bought an Apple computer and discovered software such as Bryce, Painter and Adobe Photoshop which are now, along with a Wacom tablet, my favorite tools to bring to life my ideas.
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are both my favorite genres. You'll probably notice that I'm a big fan of Myst-Riven saga. Actually, after the Internet there are many other sources of inspiration to look than was possible in previous years; There is a huge number of artists from which to draw ideas and learn to improve my work, but some people still inspire my work: Roger Dean, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, H.R. Giger, H.P. Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, to name a few. Hope you enjoy my work and come back soon.
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Comments (169)
exellent work congratulation
(picks jaw back up) Brilliant! Great emotion, and an outright intense crazy sense of magical enchantment that is so refreshing to see. No cliche's here -- just 200% original kick-a** artwork! Spectacular job, mate!
pure talent. i can't find the words to explain how stunning this is.
I can't even begin to say how much I LOVE this! It's just wonderful! I could stare at it for hours. So much detail, so creative, and what a wonderful, spooky atmpsphere! Brilliant work!! :D
incrivel incrivel excellent work!!! no words.
I must say thats one of the best images i.ve seen at renderosity.Its perfect.
That's absolutely fantastic!!! In fact a masterpiece!! WOW! ;-)
Great building structures and mood! Great job!
Excellent work
Such a beautiful fairy-tale image...just stopped me in my tracks...
Interesting and creative work. Gloomy and dark, yet kinda whimsical and fun at the same time.
Fantastic!! Very Roger Dean-ish!!!
Simply Amazing.
the best i've ever seen .. !!.. wonderful scene full of fantasy and excellent creative work .. more than great .. love it !
I know I've already commented on this one...but I just have to add that I think I just realized why I love this one so much...you posted it on my birthday. This is just so gorgeous; I've started a whole story based on this picture. Maybe if I ever get it published, you wouldn't mind doing artwork for it? ;-P
i like it :) great artwork!
super art work
Outstanding image :)
Oh my, this is so fantastic! It must have taken you a lifetime putting this together. Very well done!
great atmosphere. exellent work!
oooooooooooooooooh.... wowza!! pretty amazing piece! now i see what all the fuss is about, stumbled on your work through someone else's fave artists list... i may have to do the same, the comments just keep coming on this one... absolutely fantabulous!!! :]
Agree with all comments above, simply a masterpiece !
unbelivable work!!!
I want to live there...
Inspired by Riven? Wat can i say? ...I wish i can do this too!! Longlive Riven!!~
I am stunned. I feel like i could walk straight into this image. Absolutely amazing! The level of detail and the depth of field to this piece is outstanding. Thank you for this vision of complete tranquility.
It's not that often that I come across a 3D image that blows me away as much as this... very very impressive :-)
Questa veramente bellissima, Carlo... penso, sicuramente, una delle pibella nella tua gallery. L'atmosfera, la luce, il colore... ogni cosa sembra infilarsi perfettamente nell'altra, dando al tutto un equilibrio fantastico, come fantastica (nel senso proprio della parola, ovvera da "fantasia") l'ispirazione. Complimenti, sono senza parole.