Mon, Feb 10, 12:09 AM CST

Master and Apprentice

Mixed Medium People posted on Oct 11, 2003
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This is a work by Oil-lefant and me and it's our tribut to the wonderful "MartialArt-Movies" Oil-lefant has painted these wonderful figthers with pencil on paper which I have scanned later to color it in photoshop. The background consists of bryce-work and a photgraph from our last holiday. Would be nice, if you leave some comments or critics Best regards, oil and chris

Comments (15)



7:28AM | Sat, 11 October 2003

The people do look a bit Poser-like to me, or am I wrong? I really love the colors you used. The DOF works very good to add, well, depth to the image. Great!



7:30AM | Sat, 11 October 2003

Excellent composition. The fighters are very well painted. Great work on the clothes ! Congratulation



8:43AM | Sat, 11 October 2003

Nicely Done!


10:54AM | Sat, 11 October 2003

This is really wonderful! You make an excellent artistic team!


11:52PM | Sun, 12 October 2003

beautifully painted figures & background! well done you 2! :]


2:54AM | Wed, 15 October 2003

Your team-work is wonderful!



12:03PM | Wed, 15 October 2003

this is great! nice render also :):)


2:34AM | Thu, 16 October 2003

"Excellent" with a "but": "Oil and Chris" are a super team, "but" I would prefer the picture without the wooden shrine(?)!


7:13AM | Sun, 19 October 2003

Oh ja! Das ist wirklich ein supersches Bild geworden! Sehr stimmungsvoll und die Farbauswahl ist echt Klasse! Besonders die Bme mit den rosa Blen gefallen mir supergut! Die gemalten "Anziehsachen" sind wirklich sehr gut geworden, besonders die Falten! Sehr gut, Oil and Chris! My vote und ein Excellent f Euch! M.



1:20PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

sehr sche Teamarbeit von Euch beiden. Sche Farbauswahl und Kulisse (Gelder, Hintergrundbild). rigens kann Dein Mel wirklich fantastisch malen (-: Wenn ich so zeichnen knte wde ich meinen PC in farben umtauschen. Viele Gre na Euch beide.


5:55AM | Sat, 25 October 2003

danke Blitzz-Licht! (da fle ich mich sehr geehrt :) die teamarbeit hat wirklich spagemacht! i hoffe dass das nicht unsere letzte gemeinsame arbeit war!! danke Chri! THANKS for all comments!



3:51AM | Thu, 30 October 2003

I would like to see their feet...the rest is great tho ;o)



3:56PM | Sat, 22 May 2004

Your artwork is stunning!



4:08PM | Thu, 22 July 2004



4:11PM | Sun, 21 November 2004

Mixed Medium at it's finest. I'm really surprized there aren't more comments on this. Truely excellent work by both...

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