Sat, Feb 15, 1:01 AM CST

Lonely Grass

Photography Landscape posted on Aug 28, 2003
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Oregon Sand Dunes National Recreation Area, August, 1996. Rescanned, reworked. First posted here in March. To me, it's now much more as I originally saw and conceived the shot. Always been one of my favorites. Thanks very much for looking. :)

Comments (39)


3:26AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

I remember well this one. I loved it and I love it just now. This becomes one of my favorites! :)


3:31AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

its so great. its a meditation !!!!! WOW !!!!!!!



3:35AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Ah, yes. When I saw "Dune Ripples" I thought you probably had something like this in your drawer, too :))) Classically beautiful, almost unreal... Brilliant shot :)))



3:36AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

The evenly spaced lines of the sand ripples created by the blowing winds are most beautiful and fascinating. Kind of remind me of monitor...The grass really stands out here in this landscape of dune. I like how it is not all tracked upon like the dunes I saw when I visited this area...You probably ventured out further than I, but obiously was worth it as indicated by this beautiful photo. -Peace :-)



4:02AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

A brave plant who is fighting the elements on its own. Great image.


4:18AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Very elementary. I like it a lot!



4:29AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

It moves me so much! I'm always fashinated by how Nature manages to grow life in the most hard places... In March I didn't follow the Photo gallery, so for me is entirely new... and entirely... WOW!


5:04AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Beautiful, sensual and isolated...



5:08AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

it is the differences between the beauty of nature and the feeling of loneliness, or the expression of life, wonderfull shot!!!


5:18AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Perfect shot, its surreal almost. Lovely linework and deep mood.



5:42AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

beautiful !!!


6:40AM | Thu, 28 August 2003




7:03AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Lonely, yes. But just by being there it creates expanding waves of change.


7:39AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Awesome reminder to bloom where we are planted! Blessings to you!


7:45AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

has become a fav of mine also, that shadow stretching accross the sand is great. and to find such a green plant in amoungst this barron wasteland, fantastic!


7:50AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

I didn't realize nature could do fractals! So pristine and beautiful. Fantastic photo. Vote!


7:52AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

The pic and the compo are great, don't know about the light, to "depressive" for me.



8:38AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Catch my vote and iterest nicely done good job.


8:45AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Steve, this is class photography, and also now one of my fave f&j photographs ...superb. It also just goes to show that not every landscape of this kind, has to be taken in bright, brilliant sunshine to work sublimely! M.


9:20AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

I remember this fondly, and I still love it. Truely excellent work.


9:31AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

this is one of my faves! & to think we knew you when you use to post here... that's when you become famous... don't forget us! (reminding you to send me an autographed copy of your book)



11:55AM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Fantastic. You can almost hear the light breeze...


12:47PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Well...I see You have started a Garden...hmmmm....Nitrogen will have these sprouting up everywhere...hee heee....Yes F&J...this is an Excellent to be Proud of :)



3:22PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

simply beautifully


3:51PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

This one is so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes..tears of joy that there are still places on this rock that have unspoilt beauty:) Beautiful capture Steve:) Got my vote


4:17PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Unbelievable:=0 Great shot


4:56PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Oh my ears and whiskers I'm late..this shot really does define you Steve as a class photographer and deservedly so:) If you were over here I'd ask you for a print for my wall:(



6:58PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Jeez...I got to get here sooner, everyone has said it all. I'll add Magnificent!!! vote


7:05PM | Thu, 28 August 2003

Great shot of an awesome place:)



1:29AM | Fri, 29 August 2003

Bloody hell! This is fan-frickin-tastic! Best shot on here in a while! vote

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