Sword by katyee
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My Keri character.. sorry to throw more than one pic at everyone. This is another disaster as I stuffed up the beautiful braid hair by Zoro_D. But my computer takes so long to render, I was not going to do it again. But I wouldn't swap her... the computer. The sword and the shield are by Kalhh... always beautiful work and such kind gifts.
I just wanted to show her in a different light. She still looks kind though laughing. Or maybe I am a softie. I can't wait to add her to the freebies and I hope that no one gets as annoyed with her as I do. LMAO
Maybe tonight I need an angel.
Once I walked a road.. that had no name
It held me close.. with promise
then a pit opened wide
I fall, fall deep inside.
Let me see the light
don't toss me aside
I am strong
Is it okay to cry?
I am afraid
what a coward
Step up girl
sometimes moments
hurt my heart
I am alone.. I am alone
thats okay..
Its heaven no one
needs me
Comments (17)
a great looking image, really like the soft fuzzy lighting as though it is misty (as well as very wet), I think she is smiling because she saw her adversary trip and fall flat in the water :) but is too 'lady-like' to laugh
really cool caracter ! Great render !
Agree with Paul, though I suspect she is either standing on a pillar (watching everybody thinking it is shallow there and approaching), or she is tickled by the weeds.
Lovely character and love the reflections!
Fantastic image
Wonderful image, once again excellent work 👏👏👏👍🙋♂️
It is a wonderfully done render. There is nothing you did that is bad. On the contrary, it is a beautifully done render. You are very talented !!!
Beautiful woman with fearsome weapon... always a good combination lol and her face tells a story, she is ready for action...
Wonderful work! Happy Weekend!
I hope there are no leeches in there, lol. Cool image. I like her golden shield and your words are touching, thanks for sharing... :)
cool idea with the water
She's a star! It's always good to see them in different environments. One of the problems I have with the official releases is they often theme them to a particular genre and it's hard to tell if a character will work well or not doing anything else. I've picked up a few that are basically impossible to use because they are just so specialized.
Same with clothes. I like stuff that is A: Versatile and B: not so distinct that my renders just end up looking like promo renders. There's been more than a few outfits end up in my runtime that are neither.
Great work, can't wait to see more!
g1tip Online Now!
Really great scene work ! ! !
She's delightful... Love her outfit and shield.
Nice work!
Belated Birthday Wishes from me! Take care and stay healthy!
Absolutely beautiful!!