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2D Abstract posted on Nov 14, 2019
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Playing with forms... --------- Have to run out, I'll get to your galleries when I return. (It's fuh-reeeezing in chicago, I'm definitely not gonna wear shorts!) Thanks for your wonderful visits, and all you give here---it's greatly appreciated! mark ------------------

Comments (9)


eekdog Online Now!

11:01AM | Thu, 14 November 2019

Feel like I'm in a sci fi movie and traveled through a black hole and ended up here, love your manip on this to give that feeling Mark.

You have such great talent in art and stories my friend, and one of the kindest people I have EVER known.



1:46PM | Thu, 14 November 2019

Intense and beautiful work. Have a great day and stay warm.



2:47PM | Thu, 14 November 2019

How did you get a picture of what I see every time someone takes a photo with the flash on? Blinded by the light and then I bump into walls for 10 minutes. I love the different shades of red in this and the bright pink center is stunning. It all looks so good against the dark black of an endless void... Cool work!

Stay warm! It's freezing cold here, too.


5:19PM | Thu, 14 November 2019

Beautiful image! Powerful colors.



3:12AM | Fri, 15 November 2019

I'm on the back porch at two in the morning, without a shirt, and the fan is on.



7:36PM | Fri, 15 November 2019

Hey, I saw something like this when I put the Kahlua in my coffee! Well, I think it was Kahlua... 🤔😆

Fun artwork, Mark! It's not much better here, temperature-wise...



1:18AM | Sun, 17 November 2019

to me a kind of remember, first meeting with modern art had this touch of curves and strong colors! superb work Mark!



9:43AM | Sun, 17 November 2019

It was once that I travelled through the night, and I saw the most beautiful, unimaginable flowers. Dazzling by light, so pure. The most spectacular thing about it was, I saw those flowers grow, their hearts growing bigger and bigger. I felt their appeal, and oops, they came dangerously close, haha, and then I woke up. But now dear Mark, that I'm here in your gallery, my problem is, that I don't know if I'm dreaming or if I'm awake. 😇



9:59PM | Sun, 17 November 2019

we are having some mild weather here, but always know it can change anytime. superb artwork Mark.

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