We are very proud to announce the winner of this months "Artist of the Month" - Ute Reichling [UteBigSmile]. Ute received nearly twice the number of votes from the Renderosity community for the Artist of the Month. She is a highly regarded artist and friend to many in the community. Ute works primarily with DazStudio and in Mixed Mediums, as you can see in her gallery. She is a talented and imaginative artist who creates evocative imagery which is often infused with themes of fantasy, science fiction, folklore and domestic scenes from history. Ute has contributed an astonishing 3,457 digital artworks since joining Renderosity in 2005.
Renderosity 2015 Artist of the Year: UteBigSmile
I'm very happy to announce that after a week of voting Renderosity members have overwhelmingly chosen UteBigSmile as the Renderosity Artist of the Year! Ute is a strong member of the community having posted over 3,000 of her artworks to Renderosity galleries since she joined in 2005. She was chosen "Artist of the Month" for June, 2015 and works primarily with Daz Studio and Mixed Mediums. As you can see from the video she created of her 2015 artworks (see below), UteBigSmile is a talented and imaginative artist. Renderosity congratulates her on being chosen Artist of the Year for 2015. My private Homepage:
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Comments (48)
Mi riporta indietro nel tempo........"Via col vento" che film fantastico!!!!!!! Ottimo lavoro Ute 👏 💯 👍 🙋♂️
Hier hast du ja ganz geheimnisvoll die filmische Zärtlichkeit fast unsichtbar unterlegt. Sehr, sehr schönes Bild, liebe Ute
Arranging this picture so it has depth shows what a fine artist you are Ute. I'm thinking about you with your surgery coming up. Steve & Cathy
jolie scène d'époque
Oh ! Que c'est romantique ! Très bien réalisé ! Bravo !
Bravo! Fantastic! Excellent!
nice collage :)
Marvelous job!
nice work, everyone looks so proper and beautiful!
Love how you superimposed! Marvelous scene!
Wow, amazing work.
Ein tolles Bild zu dem Film vom Winde verweht!!! Den habe ich viele mal angesehen!!!
..... und nun singen ewig die wälder 😉 wunderschöne szene mit attraktiven charakteren, alles romantisch und bezaubernd in voller harmonie 😃 fav
we are going to watch the original movie on the "settee"..........................(nekkid probably)heheheheheheh.
Fantastic scene my friend!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma
Nice work. Frankly my dear....
THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!! Amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!