Thu, Feb 6, 2:13 PM CST

Futuristic Dynamism

DAZ|Studio Surrealism posted on Jul 29, 2017
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More and more quickly, always better performing, increasingly demanding with our limits, so it is in life as in sports. There are always more targets and at the same time we become record machines, beyond the muscular, structural, and intellectual limits. We are becoming performance automata.

Comments (108)



5:08PM | Thu, 24 August 2017

Great idea and superb creation !!



2:28AM | Fri, 25 August 2017




8:53AM | Fri, 25 August 2017


2:43PM | Fri, 25 August 2017

Such a excellent artwork! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs



12:13PM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Great illustration!




3:16AM | Wed, 30 August 2017

Another brilliant piece, Giuliano.

You know, I think the difference between dance and athletics is that dance has deep expression as its goal. It expresses deep emotions, deep conflicts, deep communion, deep love...whereas sports are often about winning, conquering. Yes, we can marvel at an athlete's beautiful form, and an athlete's quickness of mind. Pindar (Pindaros) immortalized athletic beauty as well as any writer who ever lived.

But, as you say, our modern infatuation with athletic perfection leads to an automaton-mind. By comparison, the greatest dance---which demands as much physical ability as sports---expresses timeless emotion and experience, so it transcends automation and even the narcissism that often accompanies our modern concept of "physical fitness".

Your running man, here, is trailed by his muscles, then his skeleton: This suggest that he is being stalked by his own death. (All heavy exertion brings death a little closer to one's 'door', simply because the runner is pushing his body to its limits.)

You mix the 3 'layers' of this man beautifully: The flesh, the muscular, and the skeletal. All 3 layers 'meld' into each other---very well done. And you have all 3 layers running up a set of stairs, which never ends. (The stairs seem to go on forever.) Those stairs tell us that infatuation with athletic fitness leads nowhere: One just keeps running up and up: There is no end. (And your stairs are made of tiles---the same kinds of tiles you use in many of your other big bath-house tiles.) A very vivid image, which illustrates your point extremely well. And your contrast---i.e., of those metallic tiles and their bluish-green tints, with the bronze and flesh tones of the runner---is quite powerful. Beautifully done, once more.



6:46AM | Wed, 30 August 2017

FANTASTIC WORK AGAIN MY FRIEND!!! FAV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



12:56PM | Thu, 31 August 2017

Amazing Work!



11:13PM | Thu, 31 August 2017

Wow, this is an outstanding image! Great idea, great realisation!



4:48PM | Mon, 18 September 2017

the flash lol



6:35PM | Wed, 20 September 2017

That's awsome looking!



5:55PM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Magnificent image and concept of reaching for the top !



11:17PM | Tue, 04 December 2018

Excellent concept and brilliant execution. A similar concept is in the Old Testament of the Bible, in Ezekiel 37: 1-10


2:20AM | Sun, 12 January 2020

Concept intéressant ! *****



1:08AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Wow excellent concept a true piece of art !



7:53AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Amazing work! I like it a lot!



9:09AM | Fri, 15 May 2020

Love the concept and how you posed your person.



4:24PM | Thu, 21 May 2020

absolutely mindboggling!

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