Thu, Feb 13, 1:45 PM CST

Roll On

Fractal Alternative posted on Jun 13, 2015
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Mandelbulb3Dv1.8.9 / PS9 Just messin around...Rendo just keeps getting stranger and stranger, we just got a New Community Manager(Admin) the old one either quit or was Fired dunno which. Coords and Mods gettin bitched at about lack of participation in Forums and want more Challenges/Contests. Loosing members right and left it's probably hurting the Bottom Line in the Marketplace is what I figure, now they are suggesting us Mods get active on Social Media like Facebook-Pinterest-Twitter and like that and spread the word on Rendo, link back here all that stuff, I won't do it I don't belong to FB, Pinterwhatever and damn sure don't Tweet I ain't no freakin Bird. Think my days as a Mod are numbered don't like where things look like they are going, if they want to generate more interest and stop the Exodus Fix the Site, get the programmers to fix the Functionality it used to work just fine, we are supposed to be an Art site, for Art and Artists not a freaking Kids Playground.....OK, Rant over Thanks for the l@@k Mandelbulb3Dv18{ g....Es...Uy/.../....IE...kXtALj/zI/.X2ePiWDiI0Ecb8vEmQokzXZyDDd8Lv5.r2KcQNIOMzj ................................1zTx/IKu4.2........Y.Rhk...............UF/2...wD ...Uz6....U/0....Q.1/....2Ep1...r/...2k4.....Mo5ZWsz5/nD/Qknb/ZD...T0dkpXm1.3/si y6EnAnID12../..........wz..................kjz9..........UU0.....y1...sD...../.. .zHnAnQDeA1.a4q7.wXQuW3gNrlGz86o8rjinhejCfwOthRA.xH675ROygdwyQ4o9AIs1LoDe8U.4xxj 3xP5FEZc.oayyqtbnwRVo.oDU....5IJ2/..gR/..2EnAnoD.M....sD..G..................... .............oAnAt1...sD....zkggvrm71.............................UtWsvDC....UH. .....Ksulz1.......kz2.PB..EH.U4.l/...g....UH....j..06o..US.C....z....Inz...UJE52 ...U.0ubT0kG9hIbCtYHi4V......gpzzzzz...Fbf24LNvj6QLniVLOtzX...........E.5xTbfZ1. .sh41UZAUz9/zMwlGfEzzC........../6U0.wzzz1...........2/...................E.0c.. zzzz.............0...................2U.8.kzzzD............8.................... 6.kMzvwSl.............U401y6tI.k.wr29azjlz1...8cU0.cU08cee0cU08.U08cUGJJU08c..8c U08mx/8cU0.cU08cQs5cU08.U08cU0bTU08c..8cU08ly/8cU0.cU08cMw5cU08.U08cUmqTU08c..8c U08kz/8cU0.cU08c...cU08cee0cU08cIJ3cU08cwy5cU08c................................ E6...E..l6E.....I....o....kIkVKNmJKG4B3...............................U1C.U1BoE1 06E./.....E6nAnAnAnizUaNaNaNa7zDdrrsfxAP0.Y......kg6.VnAnAnAHszj........kz1..... ...wz.........zD........kz1...................zD........kz1........wz0.......... .....................2.....3.........wJOiNrMtlKOiFaQdBKMg/...................... .....................cNaNaNatozD..........UNaNaNaNyvz........................... ................................................................................ ................................2....E/..../....T7LNXZ4QmxqMVlKKn64............. ..........U3K...................9QxckpX0bznIsuFVf5RwzcNaNaNaNSyjbNaNaNaNmz1..... ..cF./.......................................................................... ..........................................U.....I....k....kIdJaQkVIOg7KNmF5..... ..........................U/4MU/4M........UaNaNaNaE0./........xDnAnAnAnA1zXNaNaN aNapz...................kz1....................................................E ........kz1.............................................}

Comments (22)



8:56AM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Hear, hear, Len. A good WORKING site is all we need. That will bring back people, for sure. Fantastic image and lighting. Corrie



9:16AM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Intricate and beautiful, you have a knack for functional looking things which also happen to be eye appealing. Nicely done.



10:17AM | Sat, 13 June 2015

" Art site, for Art and Artists..." What a concept (LOL)!!!!!!!!!!! Nice one, Len.



10:19AM | Sat, 13 June 2015

fantastic work Len



11:07AM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Hope the things improve here, wonderful design, Len.



12:04PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

a cool fractal, let's play pinball! the site worked fine before they fixed it... and fixed it... and fixed it...and broke it every time.



1:00PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

excellent image Len



1:32PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Excellent done once again!!!!!!!!!!!



1:32PM | Sat, 13 June 2015




2:27PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Playing pinball on a cosmic scale!! :)



2:38PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Incredible image, very very fascinating !!



2:47PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Nice work Len. As far as Rendo, Ive slowed down Posting here mainly because of the File size limitations. Having to Compress and resize every image I do to get it to fit here. This is the only place I post at that I have to do this at. I've noticed a lot of missing People in the past few months as well. Pete



3:59PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Looks like a computer balance game, realy cool work!



5:11PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Outstanding image. No need to rant, you're just telling it like it is. I haven't uploaded anything for some time because of trouble getting one in. I get that's it's uploaded and it isn't there. The site has slowed down and I get ticked off and then leave, maybe try again later but it's the same. As you said something has to be done, just have them fix what they screwed up and then try to attract artist back.



9:25PM | Sat, 13 June 2015

Great work Len! I agree with your rant. but then, what next?



12:21PM | Sun, 14 June 2015

I'm thinking giant space pinball...just looking for Tommy ! LOL Yeah, ebots disappearing, favourite images disappearing, page connections dropping out...sniff, makes you wish for the good ol' days. And what the fucks a Twitter...sheesh ! ~Cheers~


1:53PM | Sun, 14 June 2015

It's something a Bird(brain) does as far as I'm concerned



6:48PM | Sun, 14 June 2015

Super perspective, the image really takes your breath away as one gazes into depths. I agree about Rendo, do not belong to Deviant but I am considering it. Superb work, once again, my friend!!!!!



9:13PM | Mon, 15 June 2015

sorry to hear your issues. all has not been smooth, but there has been issues over the years and as current should be fixed as they have in the past. outstanding fractal art. reminds me of the expensive toys for exe's that sit on their desk



10:09PM | Mon, 15 June 2015

excellent work , never being on face book in my life,and dont twitt either i just want to see art and make art in all its form


11:44AM | Tue, 16 June 2015

Dont let I bother you Len LOL at you tweetin my sweet, your friend woodywoo here sure looks like another Peter we knew??



7:24AM | Wed, 17 June 2015

On the edge at the end of the line, can't go any further. I think I get it. Nice work.



10:33PM | Wed, 17 June 2015

Incredible image,lighting and depth. Another Masterpiece to add to your gallery, way to go Len.

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