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Fractal Alternative posted on May 06, 2015
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Mandelbulb3Dv1.8.9 Just messin around....can't seem to get into the swing of doin the Moderator thing since the last Hospital stay, so much to do in Real Life, next few days will probably determine if I want to still do the Job or Not. Thanks for the l@@k Mandelbulb3Dv18{ g....Uv0..kZ4...w....IE...ENeQpAha1..zzvqYs9Oh0E5G2FYPUxIzn5xDu7v5O/.HMEmfVfbszj ................................gWqLgfNat.2........Y.NA........E.......U4/2...wD ...Uz6/...UT3.../I.1/....2......D0...2Eb.....UxPFBAbYojD/IE255AE74Zv172MZh1.Kzz0 .BEnAnID12../..........wz..................................3.....y1...sD...../.. .wHnAnQDqNkJnPjcCw1RIHIH3/0uy8LhI.2KKtZDcMsPSGhZeu95X0ziWI2oyiRo1C8pbwkD8F73xuN2 cvPSPusLe4d1z0GSj.u0P0hjU.....2FN/ .............oAnAt1...6E....zw1...................................Uel5PEE....k1. ...U.0ubTyjVIKtmuUF.cysG/..6.c..yOQn..kYEkti4xyD6w8pJs/mpzX...........G.8..jO46. ..cXcESLfz1.qIU1bNlyz............2U0..idm/..H0/bvOovzuFbG7eFT5uD/........../.k.. aH4/..U.q30w8nsDUCsRyA.7F.A.QXpF7q7zzGU.9wjpkF/..Qbpr8xHRz182lhAvkw/.1UsiI7idxzj A.UHyzfMB...L1kgQ58zz..os2wOEF/k.Q49TfKWvz9...8cU0.cU08cee0cU08.U08cUGJJU08c..8c U08mx/8cU0.cU08cQs5cU08.U08cU0bTU08c..8cU08ly/8cU0.cU08cMw5cU08.U08cUmqTU08c..8c U08kz/8cU0.cU08c...cU08cee0cU08cIJ3cU08cwy5cU08c................................ E....Ek.l2U.....I.........kLdtaRXZ5Pdt4NmZqMVl4......................c.......... ..........EQxckpX0Ltz2LD8QxckJyD........kz1........wz........................... ...............................................E........kz1..................... .....................E.....3....A....AJOZ75Q6Z4PWJaQo/.......................... .....MU/4MU/4........InAnAnAnM.EOaNaNaNalznAnAnAnAnxzUNaNaNaNawD................ ................................................BnAnAnAnqz1........wz........... ................................/....E/..../....T7LNXZ4QmxqMVl4Kn64............. ..........U3K...................63iSIsuFOzXIsuFVf5Zyz.........zD........kz1..... ...................................................................../........zD ..........................................U.....I....E....kLmJqMd/bQjBKMgVpAW/.. .....................MV3..................EQxckpX0Ltz2LD8QxckJyD........kz1..... ...wz..........................................................................E ........kz1.............................................}

Comments (17)



12:38PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

Wow looks like a scene out of a mystery movie. It looks quiet deserted and abandoned except for the light shining on the deserted buildings. Just waiting for someone or something to jump out and scare the behooie out of the walker. Outstanding work as always Len. Well sad to hear you may give up being a Moderator. Happy to hear you have something that is peaking your interest to move on to. You have/ will do a outstanding job if you continue on. You have to do what is best for you Len. Just hope this Site will not fall with your absence. One more request----Please keep doing your outstanding fractals !



12:53PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

excellent piece Len it will be a sad day if you leave us good luck in whatever you choose



12:54PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

I guess you are bit like the dude in your scene, at the junction with many different choices...I'm sure you'll choose the right one Len. BTW, freakin' awesome MB scene, it ROCKS ! ~Cheers~



3:40PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

Awesome view and work,love the zoom***



4:22PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

Fantastic, didn't see the person at first.



4:25PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

wow, this is cool, I really like the person, it makes this feel massive!



4:38PM | Wed, 06 May 2015




5:30PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

hope you stick around, Len. your fractals and Mojo are aweome and unique. love the mystery of this. wonder where he will end up/



11:46PM | Wed, 06 May 2015

Fantastic image and lighting, Len. Choose what's good for YOU, ok? I am with the others: Please keep doing fractals! Corrie



3:27AM | Thu, 07 May 2015

Shining work.



5:25AM | Thu, 07 May 2015

Great done fractal!



11:00AM | Thu, 07 May 2015

that light is fantastic



4:16AM | Fri, 08 May 2015

Outstandingly done!!! Awesome image !!!



4:59AM | Fri, 08 May 2015

You have Moderated well... now take time to enjoy the time not moderating affords you :) .... and yes this is awesome



8:08AM | Sat, 09 May 2015

fantastic fractal scene, great depth, cool with the alien



9:34PM | Mon, 11 May 2015

I know what your saying, my friend, after my bouts in the hospital I began to really question what I wanted to do next. Basically i have found it, or ,more correctly it found me. Love this fractal, the atmosphere is out of sight! Good luck in your endeavors, you have been a real inspiration to me. You were one of the door openers for me, and for that i most sincerely thank you. Keep on trucking, it's been a long strange trip!!!!!


1:53PM | Tue, 12 May 2015

Fantastic fortress Len

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