Tue, Feb 18, 1:21 PM CST

Walking Among the Mansion Gods...

Photography Architecture posted on Apr 01, 2014
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I have to step down for a few weeks for family and other matters. I should be back in 3 weeks. But I just want to tell you all how much I've loved being here this long, and commenting so much; and even doing some current pieces for a change! I've had the best time here, people, just the best. But also: I've posted new styles, and you've been just grand at making me feel welcome with them---even with strange and awkward pieces. I'm truly grateful to you all. I may even buy a new camera, as a result. Finally, a word on my last upload: I really didn't tell you enough. My error! That pic was of a woman who was scared of a big man coming out of a tunnel, early in the morning. After I snapped the shutter, she pulled away from him and protected her dog. Perhaps there was racial tension---this was Chicago, after all---but there was definitely gender tension, with a single woman and big burly man. The man was upset that he was cast into that role, and she quickly apologized to him, shaking his hand. I was quite moved by what I saw. But I didn't tell you enough, as I just wanted to show another side to urban life; the fear that lurks even on beautiful mornings. But your responses were wonderful, and I thank you once again. So see you all soon! A terrific holiday to whoever celebrates, and my love and gratitude for making my stay so terrific! Thanks for everything, people! Mark (This is huuuge---if you zoom and scroll, you'll see a lot more)

Comments (19)



7:25PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

The paranoia of city life as described by you from the previous posting, Mark. No surprise there. This racial thing will never end. I'm caucasian, but even so, I get negative reactions around here, mainly when they see me carrying a camera, which evokes stares of anxiety and suspicion from the general populace. That said, tons of reddish texture in this interesting leviathan of a photo, which must be seen in zoom mode for a full appreciation of the overall ambiance of angles, lighting, high contrast and subject matter. And, you will be missed during your hiatus in re your family, my friend. I look forward to your awesome comments and uploads.



8:30PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

Mark, first of all you did a superb job on this dramatic capture. You're choice for a title couldn't be better as you described perfectly how one feels at times when walking in areas like the one depicted here. This photo actually reminds me of a cherished time in my life a little over ten years ago when my girlfriend and I would go out walking late at night in the streets of San Miguel. The mansions would indeed tower over you, but with the proper lighting and atmosphere created by the owners you can actually find comfort in them.



9:28PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

A rare shot indeed Mark a cool POV and and an interesting subject!!



9:38PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

Seen this way, I feel totally overwhelmed by the building. Being there is no big deal, however. What a great way to shift our perspective! I get that same shift living in the motorhome and traveling around. Some places we park, it looks huge. Other places it looks small and insignificant. Surroundings, distance from other objects, weather ... there are loads of things that change perspective. Way cool work, Mark!



10:45PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

the guy in the hoodie was such a surprise. i wasn't expecting him as i scrolled down to see the whole shot. he gives it a great perspective and adds a human touch. you do these urban shot so well!!



11:11PM | Tue, 01 April 2014

that how it is all over the place with fear. good they got to know it was not fear. guess she had a bad past with big men. cool shot



12:25AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

wonderful photo



12:56AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

Architectonic or WHAT! Those with the loot certainly knew how to display their power! Love the chappie as anchor, too. The story from your last pic is wonderful.



2:36AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

Kind of surreal.



8:41AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

Such a great title and concept. Those buildings are truly like massive stone gods. Have enjoyed your time here very much, and your creative new styles. Hope your time with family and other matters goes well and look forward to your return.



9:22AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

The puny human seems so dwarfed by the hugely impressive building; I love the darkness and colour tones of this shot, it seems to make that building a precious jewel and the man to seem so insignificant in comparison in his opposite lightness. Well done on so many levels!



9:35AM | Wed, 02 April 2014

The feeling of scale created by your composition & crop does indeed make the man seem puny & insignificant. I commented on your previous post right before seeing this one & it turns out I completely misread the situation. But, as I said, that probably reveals more about me than the photo - I tend to be an optimist & think the best of people until proven otherwise. Though I found the end of the story heartwarming & that part did satisfy my optimistic nature. Hope all goes well with your family matters, Mark, & I hope to see you back with more photographic mysteries & wonders for us to enjoy soon...



3:42PM | Wed, 02 April 2014

you are great at showing contrasts....the bulky building vs the tiny man



6:02PM | Wed, 02 April 2014




6:12PM | Wed, 02 April 2014

fabulous work



4:30AM | Fri, 04 April 2014

Cool capture and motif, Mark. Wonderful architectural expression. And i like the redish tones in your postwork. It has a bit of a dark and scary/creepy mood. Great work. Gonna take a peek on the story about the two people on your former upload.



8:05AM | Fri, 04 April 2014

HA ! I smile here too. You gave the large building a dull and not so inviting look and the passing guy looks at is, as if he was wondering, which creature lives in there. ;-) But it is a good idea choosing the large image, to appreciate all the beautiful brickwork and the balcony. Super idea and photographing.



8:48AM | Thu, 10 April 2014

Pssst., Mark, I'm not really here, you know. I just wanted to drop by for a little moment to say hi, and thank you for the latest mail, for the encouragement, the thoughts you have sent to me, just thank you for everything. And of course, to let you know, no, I did not fall into a black hole, I'm still here, well, sort of. I will drop you a mail, soon, and until then I wish you the best of the best on your ways, be well and happy and healthy and take much care!



12:18PM | Wed, 16 April 2014

Wonderfully atmospheric.

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