Fri, Feb 7, 9:11 AM CST

For Ana's Birthday

2D Photo Manipulation posted on Dec 08, 2013
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(Size restrictions were a problem, but at least this has the gist of what I wanted...) I know I gush a lot here, but having seen loved ones get sick, and worse, I've learned how precious life can be, as I know many of you have for the same reasons. So I wind up dancing for the lights in my life, and when that light is as special as Ana, I wish it were a ballet. No matter what Ana's going through, no matter how much she's doing for her loved ones at home, she never fails to care for those she loves, anywhere else in the world. There's not a crisis in my life, not a loss, a serious misstep, illness, anything, that she hasn't been there for, even 4000 miles away. She gives not only complete support, but all kinds of care and wisdom, and she packs it all with an ocean-ful of love. A better, more caring friend you won't find... As for her addition to her gallery (here), anyone who's had the pleasure of receiving an "Ana W.I.P." knows that "OMG!" upon opening her attachment (or envelope). She's that, that good. I was recently looking at her portraits: She fills the eyes with deep history; she makes poems out of people's hair, gentle valleys from cheeks and lips, and etches a whole life out of a gaze...It's because she understands joy, pain, suffering and compassion. Her ink works are like Beethoven (explosive), her cartoons, pure magic, and there are her glass sculptures, her fractals and so on. Sometimes, after getting an Ana piece, I'll write Helle---who gets it too: "That's it: I'm giving up art. It's been done too well! No need to do anymore..." I don't give it up, of course; but still...Ana's art emerges in the end like an old soul. And that's grand. So the dedi I wanted to write is, she's one of the dearest souls I've ever met, and she 'gifts' me all the time, emotionally, creatively and humanly, and I send floods of comfort and love her way, and say, Ana, thank you for being such a blessed friend. May you have many more years of blessings for your deep heart and soul. And, like the original meaning of "dear," you're priceless, and rare.
Happy Birthday, dear friend, with tons of love and light (and yes, I finally found the ducks!), mark * * *
(I'm still commenting, and will get to all of you before the holidays. Have a fine Sunday!)

Comments (16)



12:32PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Impressive creation Mark it's been a pleasure visiting your gallery well done pretty cool!!



12:38PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Mark, first of all allow me to say how delighted I was to see you posting again. This birthday presentation for what can only be described as a dear friend, is truly a moving experience. I very much enjoyed reading your thoughts about Ana,, and was very moved by them. Although I've never had the pleasure of knowing her, it has become quickly apparent to me that she is indeed a special person. For someone to have such an impact on your life from so far away says all that I need to know about her. That is why I feel that this beautiful scene along with the creative variations is the ideal gift for her. This lovely depiction of nature almost seems to build to a crescendo as you scan down through the variations to arrive at the glowing birthday theme. I am eager to go check out her gallery.



12:50PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

A magical set of images, and lovely words.



2:53PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

These images, with all their changing colors, moods, and magical lights, are like a dance of life, a ballet as you so eloquently said in this very lovely tribute to Ana. A grand celebration of her B-Day, her life, and your friendship.



4:01PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

great dedi.She's a lucky friend


4:28PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Nice series!



4:42PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Fantastic work !



6:35PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

What hath God wrought? You have broken the banal bonds of the usual humdrum in this amazing display of filtered images, Mark, dedicated to your dear friend, Ana. I wish I could say more, with my definitive analyses of the colors, lighting effects and following narrative, but am far behind on my comments, so this will have to suffice.



6:48PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Lately I've been reflecting on different sorts of liminal space ... those places in life (or in the world) that aren't precisely one thing or another. (Salt marshes and shorelines have figured large in those musings.) Because of that attraction, I'm particularly drawn to panels 2 and 6, which are neither wholly birds nor wholly trees, but the full and balanced combination of both. They seem to be the places where you and Ana dance together, where the conversation sings. I love the end piece of course ... it's pure light, joy and love ... but I wanted to give special mention to those bits that made me sit back on my heels and sigh in contentment. A beautiful dedication. Just beautiful.



7:10PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

I just hate following Tara's comments; she always says what I wish I could find the words for, and she says it so well that I'm left scratching my head and wondering what's left to say. Once again I'll be boring and banal, and say what a scrumptious scroll of life and love you've constructed for Ana, and a more beautiful wish would be hard to come by. Well done, my friend!



7:48PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Mark ,This image it is SPLENDID!!! Thank you very, very much! I am completly thrilled with your gifts to me! but I am not able to express in words how emotioned I am with all this…your wonderful words- that honestly, I don’t think to deserve—and this (8) 7 pannels.. YOu transformed an ‘oasis’ in another ‘oasis’ and it seems a journey to me, filled with colour and light. I had to sit in front of them to observe how it developed… in the concept, in the depiction and in the evolution of the scenes. One after the other, they grew and transformed in a movement like if it was a symphony. And, like In a step of magic, the reality whirled into the imaginary and new shapes and new colours appeared doing a magical dance…a Ballet! yes! A magical ballet. It is exactly what I think and I Feel that it is. And the whole image the tranquility is a constant, however, from the top to bottom, you drew Music, you drew Nature, you drew Light , you created Fire, like nobody else. THIS IS THE MOST WONDERFUL GIFT, Mark :)))) Means the world to me :) you gave me the biggest smile in this day;)) As for the Art, Mark, this image is STUNNING, filled with creativity and incredible execution! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your wishes to me, my dear friend :))))))) ps: hahahhaaaaa!!! thanks also, because you finally found the ducks, lol :) !!!



8:45PM | Sun, 08 December 2013

Wonderful dedi :) Ana is indeed deserving of every word.



12:39AM | Mon, 09 December 2013

Well, Mark, you've truly outdone yourself with this montage of images. 2 and 6 just blew my socks off (I hope I find em soon, cuz my feet are freezing!!); those colors and the way you made them seem like they're moving are fantastic. A beautiful series and a wonderful dedi for Ana. Happy Birthday to you, Ana!!



5:19AM | Mon, 09 December 2013

Yes, I am always in the same situation as Denise. I cannot find the right words for this wonderful, heartwarming, breathtakingly beautiful dedication to our dearest friend Ana, because Tara already wrote it all. Mark, your beautiful, loving words for Ana are just as heartwarming as your gorgeous art. I see this fantastic transformation from the lovely, peaceful ducks on the branch to this wonderful, life giving tree bathed in healing light. I want to be one of the ducks, while all this is happening. I hear music, when I see this. A better dedications is not to be found. !!!!!



7:17AM | Mon, 09 December 2013

Look at Ana, I was thinking, see her joy and happiness, look at her :) I'm amazed, Mark, and smiling, to see so much joy in your wonderful work here. And there is one thing that grabs my attention quite a lot, your thoughts and sensitivity, your care and love for dear friends, this appreciation of life you mentioned. It is so much part of everything what you do, it shows in your whole composition here, both, in the image and your words. Gratitude and appreciation are the words coming to my mind, but there is also this enormous joy flowing out of your image, so beautifully. I love the light in panel 5, love the blending in 6 and 7, but in the end, it is the whole 'journey' from the beginning to the end I enjoy so much. Thank you for this most wonderful and delightful dedication for Ana, Mark, I had to smile a couple of times while I was here! Happy Birthday, dear Ana, all my best wishes to you :)



10:40AM | Mon, 09 December 2013

splendid work

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