Wed, Feb 19, 2:28 AM CST

Lizzardos : Magnificent Lands

DAZ|Studio Landscape posted on Mar 09, 2011
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Got me the whole bundle Eclypse 7 from matcreator and I can say the possibilities are endless.creating and morphing terrains, ivy and all what it takes. I think this will fit for stories within Spackoine/Spackovia,a stories about the Lizzardo Tribes and their way of me an opportunity to use the saurs which are slumbering in my runtime. They look sad the elders of the tribe because the troubles on the borders with the Schwengel-Dude annexing terrains…. To be continued!!! I just did a quickie to show the product,I did not included anything special,just for showing the product. Textures on xerxes-imperator wayii Credits:matcreator-eclypse bundle,magix-01-3dworlds,prae-xerxes

Comments (37)



1:31AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

image # 1968 year 1968 : January 8 – British Prime Minister Harold Wilson endorses the 'I'm Backing Britain' campaign for working an additional half hour each day without pay. January 21 Vietnam War – Battle of Khe Sanh: One of the most publicized and controversial battles of the war begins, ending on April 8. A U.S. B-52 Stratofortress crashes in Greenland, discharging 4 nuclear bombs. January 30 – Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive begins, as Viet Cong forces launch a series of surprise attacks across South Vietnam March 14 – Nerve gas leaks from the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground near Skull Valley, Utah. March 16 Vietnam War – My Lai massacre: American troops kill scores of civilians. The story will first become public in November 1969 and will help undermine public support for the U.S. efforts in Vietnam. U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy enters the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Bombs explode at midnight in 2 department stores in Frankfurt-am-Main; Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin are later arrested and sentenced for arson. The film version of 2001: A Space Odyssey premieres in Washington, D.C. April 7 – Racing driver Jim Clark is killed in a Formula 2 race at Hockenheim. May 29 – Football: Manchester United wins the European Cup Final, becoming the first English team to do so. June 3 – Radical feminist Valerie Solanas shoots Andy Warhol as he enters his studio, wounding him. June 30 – Lockheed C-5 Galaxy heavy military transport aircraft first flies in the U.S. This model will still be in service forty years on. August 21 – The Medal of Honor is posthumously awarded to James Anderson, Jr. — he is the first black U.S. Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Vietnam War: Operation Commando Hunt is initiated to interdict men and supplies on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, through Laos into South Vietnam. By the end of the operation, 3 million tons of bombs are dropped on Laos, slowing but not seriously disrupting trail operations. Ongoing Namibian War of Independence (1966–1978) North Yemen Civil War (1962–1970) Rhodesian Bush War (1964–1979) Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) Vietnam War (1959–1975) Cold War (1945–1991)



1:33AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Cool scene, Rene..nice work!



1:36AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

I can't help but think of the Gorn on Star Trek when looking at these guys... "I weary of the chase, wait for me, I shall be mercyful and quick" yeah, I think I watched a lot of star trek as a kid - lol



2:03AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

rene haben so neandertaler ausgesehen und die viele beisser ringsum ,keine frauen schade ,lach hahaha gruss manni



2:28AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

fantastic scene...well done!



3:10AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

tanzgirl-bussi.gif Fantastic hon, I just love it!



3:11AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Wonderful work.



3:15AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Great use of scene itmes again. Very outworldly =)



3:50AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Super scene and use of the dino's excellent misty effect too!! Have a super day my friend!!



4:09AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Toller Hintergrund und super Figuren die dazu passen!!!



4:22AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Oh I added the bundle to my list..Really like it.. Looks like Mrs.Lizard is not happy and voicing her opinion to the Mr.



4:57AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Great scene! You do manage to track down some wonderful props and this is another fine example, great piece of work!



6:49AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Esplendida cena e realização meu amigo, aplausos (5)



7:21AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

awesome characters and scene, really a super job Rene..



7:34AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Super cool looking scene Rene, that sounds like one great bundle you got



7:47AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Muy buenos los personajes



8:03AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Great scene and posing! Excellent work, Rene


8:13AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Looking forward to what you eventually do create with this bundle...for a quickie it's cool!...(smiles)..



8:39AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Great scene and characters, Rene! If the dinosaurs were not swept out, the worlds rulers would maybe look like these! ;o)



8:44AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Wonderful scene, I love the atmosphere you created.



9:14AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

stunning scene and mood!



10:11AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

excellent work on this one my friend, superb landscape



11:48AM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Dear friend Rene Wonerful scene & fantastic characters !!!!!!!



12:21PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

A gorgeous landscape and characters Rene, excellent work!



12:51PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Great idea; someone once said they thought the dinosaurs (raptors in particular) would have developed more intelligence (a bit like the clever ones in "Jurassic Park") had they not got wiped out.



2:21PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

LOoks like an awesome bundle, Rene!



5:28PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

Outstanding, Rene! I am awaiting anxiously to see what you do with the story - I just know it will be great! I remember that Star Trek episode Mikeerson commented - these guys do remind me of the Gorn. Fantastic landscape, Bro!



5:32PM | Wed, 09 March 2011




8:09PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

I am looking forward to the adventurous scenes that you will now be able to produce.



8:34PM | Wed, 09 March 2011

I'd love to induct you into our MADHOUSE, Re +5 from doarte's MADHOUSE

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