Thu, Feb 13, 7:12 PM CST

Thought Police - Adios Bill of Rights

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 05, 2011
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The ThoughtPolice is making a lot of progress, they bury all the civil rights,human rights,freedom,liberty and even the thoughts which are not in line as they call it. Now first I would like to thank each and everyone for the feedback and the comments,on my 1st outcry was the most intensive comments and feedback I have ever received and I thank you for that.Knowing that a lot of my visitors have to do hard days work for a living,coming home taking care of the kids the household and whatever is up,and still finding and taking the time to read when the cyberdoc loads up a couple of thousand characters to chew ,and some even doing researches on their own and sending me links and sitemail me .amazing. Having read a lot over the last days of world new order,history, politics and all that,I feel a bit not really depressed but I feel kind of exausted.(me sensible remember) That’s why I will just stop this thoughts for a couple of days and do some more colorful and joyful and weird images. And maybe read some John Updike lol. I get back to August Schwengel at least I can bomb him whenever I think its appropriate. Thank you to Cybrea for the artbox,graveyard stuff RDNA,pgmeri01-freebies, Bg was made in bryce also with freebies thank you. Credits:Thunderr-VogelEinzz,Nursoda Frankie,mapps-cemetary 2010,

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Comments (50)



1:50AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

image # 1858 year 1858 : February 11 – The Virgin Mary is said to have first appeared to St Bernadette of Lourdes at the Rock of Massabielle. This was the first in a series of apparitions May 11 – Minnesota is admitted as the 32nd U.S. state. July 1 – Papers by Darwin and Wallace announcing a theory of evolution by natural selection are read at London's Linnean Society India starts to be ruled by the British Parliament and administered by a civil service in India.



2:19AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Superb image! Political Correctness is just that, the death of Liberty. Then comes the Hate Crimes units. (Oh, wait, they are already here!) Haven't we had enough of Warm-Mongers, by the way? (Global Warming pimpers?)



2:32AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Lovely render and scene Rene, keep up the good fight for freedom of speech and art ;-). Have a super day!!



2:33AM | Wed, 05 January 2011
  1. Wow.. great year it was.. let's not forget Max Planck was born.. Got the Nobelprice later for the Quantumtheorie... Theodore Roosevelt was born, president of the USA and Nobelwinner (Peace) in 1906 and Selma Lagerlöf was. Swedish writer (Nils Holgerssons) who won the Nobelprice for litterature...


2:36AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great image! I don't know if that was the US constitution or not, but it's appropriate here as well. When Bush decided that he should stop terrorism by bombing and invading and imprisoning individuals outside the US where he could torture them, he destroyed decades of work in human rights. People need to learn that no matter how afraid they are, letting the government take away their rights is even worse. Ben Franklin once said something like "Those who will trade liberty for temporary safety will not gain either." And reading your postings means we get to see an amusing and/or thoughtful image along with amusing and/or thoughtful words. And I get to practice reading German again (I graduated with a degree in German from college, but that was several decades ago). So thank you for posting. I wish I could be as prolific as you are in both words and images. - J



2:40AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Buen trabajo



3:33AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great theme and excellent realization. Great work.



3:55AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great work!!!



3:57AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

I think my thought are being policed! ;) splendid image Rene



4:00AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Excellent work my friend.



4:21AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Cooles Pixelchen zu dem Thema! Die sollen alle ganz schön aufpassen, nicht dass wieder die Schweine (ich meine den Film) die Macht ergreifen, der Rest is ja schon eh' das Gleiche - Lol!



5:27AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Die Stimmung zu deinem Bid hast du gut eingefangen Rene, dass Licht passt gut dazu, aber was haben die Schweinchen vor :-)



6:02AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Splendid image ! Great colors !



6:03AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

This image really gets one thinking about how much we are losing. Some countries never had the freedom that most of us are fortunate to have.



6:51AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great image! The limits to speak and think are under pressure nowadays, it comes sneaking as "protection" and control, even in well established democracies! Powerful (and rich) lobbyists or more or less extreme populist movements with simple solutions and practically chosen scapegoats (minorities of a kind/ or just hating people with another opinion). You only have to look in TV, papers and visit the net to see intolerance is a rapid growing factor these years! Many words but your image and text have this effect on me, René -so that's good art! ;o)



6:54AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Wow again here Rene i thought the last one was outstanding so is this and im going to have a read of your outcry because i havnt seen it hugs loux



7:04AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

nice :D



7:09AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

The whole conspiracy theory scene can drag you down a bit! Nice to have some escapism!



7:20AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great scene Rene, I think these guys are at work in every country


eekdog Online Now!

7:23AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

great looking red planet scene Rene, like the human rights thingy.



7:52AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Esplendida realização e obra meu amigo, aplausos (5)



8:04AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

scary vision René!



8:09AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Wonderful image. You have captured todays mood and political atmosphere beautifully.



8:31AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Fantastic image, Rene! Love your rants! you get people talking and thinking



9:00AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Wonderful image, Rene!


9:13AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

The dream police... they get inside of my head ... the dream police ... Quote the raven....never more....



9:42AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

considering gov does what ever it wants regardless of us measly subjects that is probably the best choicee!lol Kick back and relax!



9:54AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Great work !



10:53AM | Wed, 05 January 2011

Super render Rene!!



12:19PM | Wed, 05 January 2011


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