Who is 'Markal'?
Markal is Mark Edwards who lives in Mississippi – originally from Indianapolis, Indiana. I retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2003 after 23 years and decided to stay here in the warm gulf coast south along with my wife, two daughters and three grandchildren.
How long have you been rendering/doing computer graphics?
My last five years in the Air Force I designed and developed computer-based training. We used PhotoShop, Flash and even wrote code in HTML, so I guess I started in the late 90’s. My terragen work began in 2003.
Do you have traditional art experience?
No real art experience just the standard art classes in high school and college.
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on a collaboration with a Bryce artist…he is making a ship for one of my space landscape images. Learning Terragen 2 and possibly Vue may be in the works soon.
What software/equipment do you use and why?
Software used is Terragen .9.43, PaintShopPro 7 and LunarCell. I use an outdated Dell Pentium 4, 1.4GHZ, running Windows XP. I was going to upgrade but, this very large screen HDTV deal fell into my lap so I had to upgrade my other love…. watching Blue-Ray movies…first. Hopefully I’ll upgrade to a quad 4 before the end of the year.
What do you think your best piece of work is and why?
One of my latest favorites is Rigel III. The foreground is a stone BMP overlay I applied in Terragen…. the shading and shadows were in-line with the sun angle and it worked very well. The only post work was the LunarCell moons and I think they also add a realistic touch. It still amazes me how computer graphics can make an imaginary place look so real and believable.
Why do you like to work with 3D software?
It’s a fun hobby for me and when I focus on the work it carries me away from the hustle and worries of this world.Â
Who/what inspires you?
All the wonderful artists here at ReRo are great inspirations. National Geographic Magazine, NASA and all the space missions has also influenced and inspired me. Of course our creator….Almighty God….the greatest artist of all.
How has this online community (Renderosity) enhanced your work, relationships, and learning?
Not only comments but also other artists sharing their files have helped me grow artistically by leaps and bounds.
Parting Comments / Advice to other Artists?
I try to focus on what I love. I have a passion for Space Art so 99% of my work is Space art. Some may think I need to branch out and explore other areas but I say branch out to what….something I don’t love? Go with what you love and your rewards will be many.
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Comments (24)
Nice rendition of the swamplands! Great work!
ah those roots and slimy mud/water - this is excellent!
You make me hungry for a gator sandwich. You've got it going great here Mark. Love those plant models which you placed carefully. Nice work buddy!
Excellent work on the muddy water area,and a fine scene overall!
Saints... I hope the Broncos have them on their scheduel and play like they did those first 6 games of the season.... I was rooting for Manning... He's been my starting Fantasy QB for years. ... trees look a little eroded - but healthy - lol
(Splendid)³ ... I saw the game and appreciated it very much. Thanks!
Excellent scene. Corrie
Beautiful swamp land! Love the gnarly trees!
very nice!
Wonderful composition!!!
Excellent image, you TG 2 work is really taking off. This is killer
Excellent image!
Now with those spooky ol' trees I'm not sure you are REALLY on the side of The Saints!
Beautiful swamp land!
Hm - pretty fitting tribute to my home state. Although those appear to be mangrove trees instead of cypresses, but close approximation! I certainly can relate to the swampiness - see a bit of that in my day. What would really set this off would be a low haze.
Cool, but scary too!
Strong trees you created here... fantastic composition
Nice setup and I like those trees! You go to the Black Bayou if you have not been thre before. It's a very impressive place for a swamp!!! Gator Bait!!!!!
A fine, fine image Mark!
Exciting and excellent work, Mark!
Hehe, I am also from Louisiana, although I now live in Arizona. Very close image, although I would say along with the haze, you need some Cypress Knees!!
Excellent swamp scene. Great trees and nice composition. Very cool!