Tue, Feb 18, 12:58 AM CST

Night Time

Photography Urban/Cityscape posted on Oct 26, 2009
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Looking out west between the boiler stacks i saw this view and captured it using night setting.This was my first capture on the Boiler House roof before i captured the series of lightning capture.Following the light trails on the road leads To Laudium which is a town where the Indian community resides.I need advice from everyone.Do i crop the picture so one do not see the boiler stacks at the bottom left and right of this picture or do i leave it as it is?

Comments (19)



1:34AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Magnificent view, beautifully captured sky and the lights! I would leave the boiler, I think it's in the right place. If you cut it off, then the electric tower would be sticking out from nowhere. And also there will be no first plane. I like it the way you did it.



4:02AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Awesome capture Christo, love the POV and lights. If you crop out the power plaint and the none discriptive part of the sky ( the very top solid gray)makes for a very nice pano of the city scape but I thing like andreiR the tower would be missed placed with that crop, could clone it out. But leaving the power plaint in adds depth try taking out part of the clouds once again the very top just down to the clouds with detail and see what you thing.



5:15AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

So stunning by night!



6:11AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Looks really superbly!!!!!!!bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



7:43AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

And very well my friend succeeds. Sensational in front of like the bottom. Cheer and mile mercies ((5++)) Et très bien réussit mon ami . Sensationnelle devant comme le fond . Bravo et mile mercis ((5++))


7:51AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

beautiful shot between the dusk and later night sky !



9:31AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Beautiful work. This was timed perfectly to capture the interesting sky and the lights of the city. Well done.



10:43AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

I agree with the top two comments. It is such a gorgeous image Christo but cropping the boiler stacks will leave the tower "hanging"... unless you can clone it out which will take a load of patience! But seriously - a fantastic night image! :)


11:53AM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Well, let me voice a different opinion. I would leave the stacks but crop just at the roof top level of the taller, square of the building in front. That leaves the slightest bit of stacks to be scene, catches that light to the right of the last stack and still gives you the "first plane" in a less distracting way. Really a gorgeous shot and it seems the city lights go on forever...



3:58PM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Stunning shot!



5:36PM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Great night shot Christo. Yes I guess you could crop some of the sky down to the cloads, but I like the industrial feel of the foreground and the electricity pylon looks great in the night light.


11:20PM | Mon, 26 October 2009

I would crop the top part of the sky down almost to the clouds and the bottom part to the white edge of the plant..but in any case this is a nicely seen image..



2:43AM | Tue, 27 October 2009

This is a nicely seen image...I don't know if the cropping issue would actually work for this shot though. It could, but it really depends on what you want the picture to convey, emotionally as well as in a literal visual sense. I like the "urban" balance of this the way it is. The stacks on the bottom just give a sense of context that I always like in art. It's a part of what's there and give the eye a reference, and on that level it works perfectly the way it is. As for cropping, I agree with MrsLubner. Cropping the roof out but leaving the stacks would maintain the visual mood/continuity of the picture. At any rate, this is a great twilight photograph...well it looks twilight-ish...the city lights are perfectly caught, the sky is nicely dramatic, but too light for night, and then again, too dark for day...I love that. Early evening is actually one of my favorite times to photograph, because low light (bad light as some might say) is just so much fun! This is a super image! And I look forward to seeing more!



1:01PM | Tue, 27 October 2009

Beautiful shot; I would vote with leaving it as is!



12:05AM | Wed, 28 October 2009

Beautiful shot Christo!



8:13AM | Sun, 01 November 2009

Gorgous work! I love the hint of the sunset in this wonderful capture!



7:02AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Christo, I say you leave the boiler stacks in the photo pretty much as showing now. The building roof then the stacks give solidity to the foreground and the structure on the right front corner seems to lead down to the water. The industrial part in the front broken by the water makes me wonder what is across and in the distance. Oh well, I am not an experienced critic. I like it. Tom.



8:39AM | Fri, 13 November 2009

it is beautiful the way it looks, leve it as it is so it won't be like other shots for roofs by other artists, this is what makes it unique!!!



9:55AM | Tue, 17 November 2009

Very beautiful and interesting work. Congratulations for the author.

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