Thu, Feb 13, 1:22 PM CST


Poser Fantasy posted on May 21, 2009
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olá meu amigo ..... espero que voce goste deste dragão tentando escapar para a realidade mas veja que suas amiguinhas fadinhas não deixam que ele fique longe do portal mágico !! Assim é nossa vida : a realidade as vezes torna distantes de algumas pessoas mas a fantasia nos aproximas de outras que mesmo distantes podemos chamar de amigo !! e você é uma delas .... um amigo!!! Muito obrigado a todos meus amigos aqui no RR !!As palavras deixadas em minha galeria me fazem mais forte e confiante de que tudomuda e só depende de nós fazer esta mudança dar certo !! beijos e abraços de sua amiga brasileira FATIMA MORGANA BRASIL eu usei background by beautiful place ( eu acho que o artista é Sveva mas naõ tenho certeza!!) eu usei dragao oriental by !! Muito obrigados por todos os free downloads !! Deus abençõe todos voces !!! hello my friend ..... I hope you enjoy this dragon trying to escape reality but to see that their friends jillian leave it to be far from the magic portal! This is our life: the fact that sometimes makes some people away but the fantasy of bringing in other remote can even call a friend! and you are one .... a friend! Thank you to all my friends here at RR! The words left in my gallery make me stronger and more confident that everything changes and only depends on us to make this change to work! kisses and hugs from your Brazilian friend FATIMA MORGAN BRAZIL I used background by beautiful place (I think the artist is Sveva but not sure!) I used oriental dragon by! Thank you for all free downloads! God bless you all!

Comments (41)



4:35AM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Fantastic work.



5:10AM | Fri, 22 May 2009

wonderful scene, excellent



10:34AM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Wonderful scene! Love the dragon. Great image and dedi :)



12:46PM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Fantastic work!!



2:26PM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Marvelous work!



7:02PM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Gorgeous creation & Wonderful dedication :)



1:48AM | Sun, 24 May 2009

Love the lighting in this, beautiful detail work...very well done!



5:11AM | Sun, 24 May 2009

Wonderful scene!!!



8:07AM | Wed, 27 May 2009

Fantastic scene and characters, love the colors, excellent work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



8:08AM | Wed, 27 May 2009

Great job on this! Wonderful colors and great concept. Beautiful and creative dragon and fairies.



7:08PM | Mon, 01 June 2009

Lovely image full of magic!

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