Tue, Feb 11, 4:08 PM CST

Safari fleurette

Photography Flowers/Plants posted on Aug 11, 2006
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And to see where it was, see my last post thumb_1270030.jpg Seel also in the gallery of lafayette thumb_1270215.jpg thumb_1269659.jpg thumb_1268364.jpg Comment Nathalie (06), c'est ton anniversaire aujourd'hui ! Dans ce cas, ces quelques fleurs...

Comments (25)



2:49AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

super collage of flowers.each very beautiful



2:56AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Fantastic collage! Love it!



2:59AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Yes a very beautiful collection...crisp, colorful and very nice dof!



3:10AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Very beautiful capture and excellent collage. Fantastic



3:18AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Vraiment une merveille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx



3:24AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

My fav has got to be the top and first image - hopeful and soft - looking for life and love.



3:55AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Bellissima composizione. Bravo



3:59AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Oh my god!!! They are all sooooo incredible gorgeous!!!! I cant pick a favorite. They could all easily stand its own. WOW!!! Awesome collage!!! Just one tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny thing....you seem to have cut off too little of the black frame on the top one. It has a jagged edge on the right side. And its nothing...just telling you incase you thought about printing it or something...which i think you should. They are like i said all winners. #:O)



4:18AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

lol - "avec mon bouquet d'fleurs j'avais l'aire d'un con, ma me, avec mon bouquet d'fleurs j'avais l'aire d'un con" - voilun chanson que tu n'auras pas chanter de sit.



4:41AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Ben c'est du collage ! Superbes toutes autant qu'elles sont, mon proble quand je vois plein de photos en me temps, c'est que je suis incapable de faire un choix, elles sont toutes splendides et lumineuses. Je crois que celle qui me touche le plus, c'est la premie, avec cette grosse goutte de ros brillante comme un diamant, toute la poie de Me Nature ! J'adore. Bisous et bon week-end Je



4:41AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Wow!!!!! juste wow!!!!!! et bravo!!!!!et tiens je les rajoute mes favs tes fleurettes!!!! bisous



5:25AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

wonderful pics dude, i expecially like d first one with d 3 drops. and i also want to say thanks 4 ur comment regarding my unfinished website. when i finish it, i will definitly let u know.



5:35AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

MAGNIFIQUE bouquet ! :~)



6:10AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

a lovely collage...very well done



6:16AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

OHHHHHHHH LOOOOOOOOOOORD! AWESOME collage!!!! All your shots are PERFECT works!!



6:30AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

What a ompo Jinet! All of them are so damn beautiful... I love them.. Thank you and have a nice day my friend JOE



6:52AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Holy cow, all these are soo good, amazing collage!



9:11AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Fantastic and very beautiful safari my friend......!!!!



11:11AM | Fri, 11 August 2006

superbe collage ! les photos sont magnifiques !


1:14PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

ouawwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))



3:17PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

1st pic's my favorite but the rest of them are awesome, too. You have done some great collages lately and I have to say this is your best. Great eye for flower shots.



6:03PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

They are all outstanding... but the first one took my breath away. Sheer perfection!!



6:51PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Brilliant work!!!!!!! All are worthy to stand alone too!!!!!!!! Gorgeous flowers!!!!


9:50PM | Fri, 11 August 2006

Gorgeous collection of beautiful floral. Excellent photography!



3:28PM | Sat, 12 August 2006

Agree with Akemi, lovely shots one and all! Aloha!

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