Fri, Feb 14, 8:10 AM CST

The Dreaming Tree ! ( Thank you to StaceyG )

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 06, 2006
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)))Hello all! This was taken at Lake Elizabeth , ( bout an hour North from my home in southern Californina , shot a few weeks back . It's my daughter way out there naturally sitting there (not posed for she didn't know I was taking this shot at the time ) reflecting and staring out onto the water sitting on that very special tree . One of my favorite trees in my area, ... when you go and gaze out on it , you are closer to your dreams! OR maybe they are closer to you...whatever it may be it sure feels like a dream sitting out! the perfect climbing tree for sure... This one is dedicated to StaceyG. She has been so helpful with the new gallery. She has helped on so many things and answered many complaints and done so much that I think its time she got some thanks . SO Thank you Stacey for being so helpful and kind -you are a real caring and woonderful person that has done so much for the site here... I got to thinkin' about it and why did I even get upset over things not being the same or changed... ? gosh, this place is free.. and its soo amazing and wonderful !!. We are lucky to have such a place to meet and share worldwide!. -and hey One more little note here -IT's getting better and better he (and growing have you noticed? ) too!! - much to be thankful for here I feel...!. Thank you for all your time and comments! Love to you all! ((( Big Hugs! ))) ~ ♥ ~Kimmers ! :O) !

Comments (77)



4:30AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

A great image and well deserved dedication - excellent work as always - Bravo!



4:40AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

A very nice thanks for who's working behind curtain a lot, to have a smoothest way to share pictures and ideas.


4:51AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

beatiful and moody picture - worthily dedicated...



4:56AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Oh! so beautiful Kimmers, I shall dream here too :-) Super dedi :-) Hugs.



4:56AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Yaaay for Stacey!!! I finally got an ebot for ya!! Whooo Hooooo!!!! I dont know her personally all to well but she sure seems like a sweet and helpful person, and totally worthy of this dedication. Beautiful photo by the way Kimmie. Have a wonderful day. #:O)



5:08AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Awwwww what a gorgeous image and fabulous tree. As a child I would have just adored climbing that tree. Really wonderful feel to this image. Absolutely love it !!!!



5:42AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Very beautiful photo Kimmers. Love how you did this.



5:59AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Just wonderful and magic this Tree Kimmie ! and it's the perfect place to think and meditate... with all the energy of the Tree in contact with the skin. Love this place, and all the plays of lights and shadows too. Hugs.



6:07AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Beautiful dreamy image Kimmie:)



6:08AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Nice picture again erland



6:27AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

very nice dedi ! superbly done !



6:33AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Wonderful shot Kimmers! Great dedi! This is not a crit, simply curious....why did you choose to shoot the shadow side and have mostly shadow in the image? Not a bad thing, just an interesting choice. Wonderful place!!



6:36AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Waht a stunning scene to have a dream, I want to be there, amazing image:):):):):)



6:44AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

a good composition with great lighting. how do you manage this one? i realize perfection is a moving target.... and this is close to it



6:49AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Wow... I would love to see more photos of that incredible tree...this is fantastic Kimmie as is all of your work....



6:53AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Turely a wonderful image... so peaceful... love the long shadows cast from the tree.



6:59AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

lol Digimon-( Eric) yes= good observation and excellent question there...many start off well i dont make it up there very often as its a long curvy drive and janel was sitting there naturally that was NOT posed for ..i had wanted to catch her sitting there with outbeing told naturally ... also i did shoot it from the other side later but the mountains and curve of the shore and lapping waves were not noticable...i was also drawn to the maxfield parrish type effect of backlighting there... so all that is why



7:30AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

I think it is a very well shot image



7:30AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Excellent post work, a very scenic and interesting place you portrayed. Hats off to Stacey!



7:51AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Beautiful capture, Kim. Rich and well thought out as ever yours are. It takes a quick thought to see the shot and catch it before the subject is aware, and the dark against that super background is perfect!



7:58AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it!" -- Goethe Magnificent shot, Kimmers!



8:08AM | Thu, 06 July 2006




8:18AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Wonderful got to get these shots whenever you can...natural shots are always better than staged....I bet if you cropped the image down to just a little on top of the branch above her head, split the branch behind her, down to the shoreline and just before that big tree on the left. You would have another interesting picture from this great shot of yours...just an idea...



8:49AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Beaut shot - but then you always take beautiful shots...



9:10AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

It is a wonderful shot, Kimmie!!!! This tree is too beautiful!!! Fantastic captured and the light is perfect!!!!! It is just dreamy and your titel is perfect, I agree with you it is a dreaming Tree!!! Wonderful, big Hugs Ute



9:27AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Awesome shot! I love that tree!



9:36AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

What a lovely place this must be.Wonderful capture,Kimmie.The lighting looks great.Well done!Hope you had a wonderful holiday.All the best-M :^)



9:47AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

Nice place.



10:00AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

beautiful, makes me think of good times



10:01AM | Thu, 06 July 2006

This looks like someplace I would certainly choose to sit! Right out there with water surrounding you. Nice dedi for Stacey and YES I got this ebot, too! :0)

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