Gas Grills - for Poser

3D Models released on Oct 17, 2018
Gas Grills - for Poser by N/A

Two gas grills for all of your cookouts! Perfect for starting your summer grilling or ending the summer with a BBQ... or cooking anytime in between.
Both models include an opening top and a propane tank that can be hidden or shown.

Product Features:
* Two Poser figures: obj, cr2/ png:
- Gas Grill 1, at 48,790 polygons
-- The top can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the body.
- Gas Grill 2, at 53,022 polygons
-- The top can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the body.
-- The front door can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the body.
-- The left and right shelves can slide in and out, with a Pose Control dial on the body.

* One texture scheme.
* Some materials, such as the metal, use Poser shaders.

All sales images rendered in Poser Pro 2012.

Designed for use in Poser 6 and above and not supported in any other software.

Original model by, and acquired, from Poserworld, and now owned by VanishingPoint.

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