Forum: Bryce

Subject: So...Bryce is dead?

RealDeal opened this issue on Oct 10, 2022 ยท 7 posts

RealDeal posted Mon, 10 October 2022 at 8:29 PM

I first retired in 2004, I had been a Draftsman, and was always interested in 3D, and went nuts in a 3D way with 3Dstudio, Poser, Pryce, Vue, etc, etc. sold a lot of stuff in the store, gave away a lot of freebies.

And I used Bryce quite a bit for basic creation, and backgrounds. Bryce 5.5 + Lightning worked flipping great!

then in 2014-ish, I had to unretire. and put everything away.

well, it's retirement time again, and while I have a HUGE filing cabinet full of CD's & DVD's, I can't find my Bryce!

sure, I could use Vue, when details had to be detailed enough I would before, but Bryce was great for planning and layout, quicky stuff.

so I dug out my Renderosity account, and...Bryce seems deceased. dead. totally unused.

While I still WANT Bryce back, I also wanted to ask a few questions about getting back into the swing of things...I've updated my 3Dstudio, I still absolutely HATE Blender, but what version of Poser should I get? what is the bestest combo for low price network rendering? I've been getting the impression that Poser Pro 10 might be the way to spend for the lowest cost distributed rendering (distributed rendering is MUCH MORE Important to me than "The Latest & Greatest subsurface pore light capture and refraction").

anyway, I'm probably back.
