Forum: Where can I find?

Subject: Dystopia Worker Droid

deaddecaydead opened this issue on Feb 18, 2021 ยท 4 posts

deaddecaydead posted Thu, 18 February 2021 at 1:50 PM

What the heck happened to the Dystopia Worker Droid (DWD)? I can't even find it in my purchased content anymore. The Dystopia Worker Droid is, still to date, one of the best bare-bones/nuts-&-bolts Industrial Style droids/bots - EVER MADE! It's so good that it still renders beautifully, with it's default materials, in both Superfly & Iray. Absolute masterpiece! I don't even remember who the artist/designer was. Is this model still available on a different sight other than Renderosity? I'm asking for friends who would also like to purchase the Dystopia Worker Droid for their Runtime Library. DWDroid 272_00.jpg