Forum: The Break Room

Subject: Few questions for members of the community who once used to make 3d art.

DocMikeB opened this issue on May 17, 2023 ยท 7 posts

Staticon posted Thu, 31 August 2023 at 1:29 AM

OK! I'll chip in as well. :)

1)Are you still using Poser / DAZ / other 3d render applications?

     A)Yes, mostly Bryce 7 but have also tried other applications such as Blender, Terragen, Incendia and two or three more obscure rendering packages.

2)What made you change your habit? (you can select more than one).

    I haven't

3)Are you still willing to buy 3D content or to download and use 3D freebies?

    A)Yes, though, as a pensioner I use a lot of free stuff, I do sometimes treat myself to a paid item.

4)When you started using AI you were using Poser / DAZ / other 3D applications for:

    A)More than 10 years. (I started playing with Bryce 2 back in 1997 - Wow! 26 years ago.)

5)Do you have 3d modeling skills?

    B)Hobbyist (But reasonably skilled. I use Metasequioa for creating simple objects or modifying existing ones).

6)If you are a beginner (B - C of previous question): did AI affect your will to learn 3D modeling and/or to improve your skills?

    A)No, not at all... I am still willing to learn and improve my skills with 3D like before.