Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Antonia - Opinions?

odf opened this issue on Oct 27, 2008 ยท 13933 posts

odf posted Sat, 18 February 2023 at 3:11 PM

jroulin posted at 4:56 AM Sat, 18 February 2023 - #4456191
odf posted at 2:16 AM Sat, 18 February 2023 - #4456187

Here's the promo image. Now I'll just need to render some thumbnails and assemble the ZIP file. In the meantime, are there any requests for the next item in Antonia's wardrobe?

I do not want to tell you each time from now but you know how you can ask me for the EasySym Script for your free clothing items. :-)

No worries, I will now ask you every time until you tell me to stop. :-)

-- I'm not mad at you, just Westphalian.