Forum: Bryce

Subject: So...Bryce is dead?

RealDeal opened this issue on Oct 10, 2022 ยท 7 posts

Miss B posted Tue, 11 October 2022 at 12:15 PM

TheBryster posted at 8:25 AM Tue, 11 October 2022 - #4446398

Quietly passing Miss B a cup of hot chocolate, he says, "Bryce is still on my PC and I still use it from time to time. I recently bought the latest version on Poser, but have yet to find the time to play with it. Nice to see someone getting back into 3D though.

Thanks for the hot chocolate sir, it's been cold here lately, and it was a perfect solution for dealing with the colder temps.  :wink:

If you were referring to me when you stated "Nice to see someone getting back into 3D though", I never left 3D.  I just moved on to other software such as Poser, and Blender, though I don't really do final renders in Blender . . . just modeling.


OK . . . Where's my chocolate?

Butterfly Dezignz