Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Been gone for months

rokket opened this issue on Jun 27, 2020 ยท 61 posts

mrsparky posted Thu, 02 July 2020 at 4:45 AM

Wow, this forum sure has slowed down.

Yea, I've sorta been away from poser stuff for about a year, and a quietness is noticeable across all the forums. But Poser stuff also feels like that right now.

When this lock up started I expected to be spending the newly acquired creative hours making new 3D stuff for my freebie site. Though other real world artists/creators said their reality was more board games rather than painting. So it could be others have suffered the same fate.

Fortunately avoided the joys of jigsaw puzzles, and instead spent that time (and more) outside in a garage. Apols for those who've seen these elsewhere, but a new workbench. From mostly recycled stuff. Skint and nowhere open to get wood.

When DIY stores opened, and with a generous GF and friends, a cabinet of curiosity's from new wood.

Then in the evenings, tinkering on a PVA machie costume for 2 friends fantasy themed wedding. The more the wedding gets put back, and the more people buy from amazon (the source of the brown paper used), the more stuff that gets added to the costume.

Only 3d stuff was a new tutorial and added some missing freebies to the site. Though I did finally figure out how to export Monsters from Spore into Poser.


Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.