Forum: Community Center

Subject: 'Purchased' tag does not seem to be working

FaeMoon opened this issue on Nov 01, 2014 · 3 posts

TinaK posted Sat, 01 November 2014 at 9:22 PM


The system flag to alert you of a duplicate purchase is turned off during the Grab Bag Promotion when we have that going on. It is in the instruction/rules page for that promotion and we do this each year we run it. J This flag also does not alert you to multiple purchases of bundled items, whether you are purchasing a bundle now, or have purchased an item previously as part of a bundle. This was done due to customer requests, so that they could purchase bundles even if they owned 1 of the products in that bundle as it is still normally a better price than buying those items separately.


Please check any future purchases during this promotion against your previous purchases to ensure this does not happen. The promotion ends tonight, and at that point that flag will be working again in the system.

Tina Kaylor

Community Manager