Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Tyler - making clothes

FaeMoon opened this issue on Sep 27, 2012 · 32 posts

FaeMoon posted Thu, 27 September 2012 at 10:26 AM

Quote - If you are going to use the Tyler CR2 as a starting point for clothing development, there are two useful tools in the Library's Pose>TylerGND>Specialty set. There's a Zero pose and a Turn Off IK pose. You can use both of these to zero all joints and body translations, and disable IK. Also you could zero the figure using the Joint Editor (button at the bottom) and turn off IK manually by Right Clicking on the figure and scrolling down to the IK channels and turning them all off.

And yes, I agree with Deecey, you could also use the OBJ.

Hi Thinkcooper,

I have been saving the figures as .obj and then bringing them into Silo.  Which program are you using for clothes modeling?
