Forum: Community Center

Subject: I have to say on the new 'site look'

FaeMoon opened this issue on Jul 04, 2011 ยท 200 posts

papasmrfe posted Fri, 15 July 2011 at 5:48 PM

I want the old color scheme back. It was wonderful. I loved it.

For Renderosity to expect a vast sum of it's users to create/find/implement work-arounds just because one person (or even a small handful of people) is determined to make everyone else like their idea is a really bad call. People are more likely to simply avoid it (and help another site grow) than to bother trying to "get used to it". (... a very poor choice of words when dealing with clients/customers/patrons.)

'C'mon people; Embrace the pain...' - Yeah, not likely.

I may be logging in more often since the overhaul... but that's only to see if they've changed things back yet, to the way it was before. THIS HURTS MY EYES! I like Renderosity's community... but I HATE the new colors!

Honestly, I haven't even bothered to test the new layout yet, simply because I can't stand looking at it. (It really is offensive to the eyes.) I can only hope this feedback will help to make a difference. Oh, and if the decision-makers find what I wrote offensive... go ahead and keep this color scheme - and you'll get used to it.