Forum: Community Center

Subject: I have to say on the new 'site look'

FaeMoon opened this issue on Jul 04, 2011 ยท 200 posts

Afrodite-Ohki posted Fri, 08 July 2011 at 11:32 AM

Quote - Oh my goodness, I can't believe all of what I'm reading, and here I was, soooooo proud of Rendo for getting away from that tired old faded blue! I have never seen so many people soooo resistant to CHANGE! Well for me, I say... it's about TIME Rendo... THEY will get used to it. My goodness, I am a CHRONIC MIGRAINE sufferer... on prescription meds that doesn't always work... but this blue - is your common navy blue - not ultra bright blazing BLUE - not startling stinging WHITE - not glow in the dark lime green, but a nice, neutral everyday blue.

I swear... YOU CANNOT WIN!!! Rendo - do what you have to do... but CHANGE IS GOOD! And I know I'm no one in particularly important in the scheme of it all... but - I LIKE IT...and so do many of those I've showed the new site to!

It DOES NOT distract from the art! Or anything else... SMH - I'm out of here, I'm uploading a new picture and very proud to do so!

Hehehehe - I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I like change! I will go now...

I don't fear change. Rendo used to change layout once every year and I liked that. I change my furniture places in my bedroom all the time. I color my hair purple, blue, green, everytime I get tired of it.

With all due respect, have you ever studied/researched design? Do you have any idea about color schemes, color symbolism and the effect one color has against the other? This is not just a matter of the blue DISTRACTING from the art, it's actually causing a visual illusion that makes all the colors in the artwork look DIFFERENT. Apart from that, all those gradients even in the menus make everything look cheap, made by non-professionals. Those double-edges on the Community, Advertising, Tip of the Week boxes? Damn cheap. All in all, this looks like a site I'd go to when I was 14 to brag about what I could make, NOT one I'd come at age 26 to sell and buy produts that help others create their artwork.

- - - - - - 

Feel free to call me Ohki!

Poser Pro 11, Poser 12 and Poser 13, Windows 10, Superfly junkie. My units are milimeters.

Persephone (the computer): AMD Ryzen 9 5900x, RTX 3070 GPU, 96gb ram.