Forum: Community Center

Subject: I have to say on the new 'site look'

FaeMoon opened this issue on Jul 04, 2011 · 200 posts

Savage_dragon posted Thu, 07 July 2011 at 10:11 AM

Quote - i too am not a big fan of the new site, especially the BLUE :)

for those of you who share my opinion regarding the site's palette and use Firefox, there is a little add-on you can use to change the colors.  It is called "Color that Site," and it really does work nicely.  currently,  i have changed Rosity's background site colors to lovely DEEP blues.

i also preferred the rounded corners used on the rectangular elements in the old site.  now everything is a boring 90-degrees angle.  the old site had a distinctive look to it.  now it looks very mundane...for a site that deals with "art" there is little that is artistic with the new site.


I'm Getting old.
My wings are cold.
I think I'll go sit on the sun.
Savage Dragon
"Chronicles of the Dragon Queen"