Forum: Cinema 4D

Subject: Peg holes for a crib board ?

ronshow opened this issue on Aug 30, 2013 · 5 posts

ronshow posted Fri, 30 August 2013 at 5:13 PM

I am quite new to C4D and am attempting to model a crib board, am having some difficulty with alligning the peg holes correctly. The method I am using is a cylinder to boole the holes, the cylinder is in a mograph grid array cloner swept along a spline. It works great except it is giving me an even spacing between all the holes. I need them in groups of 5 with a little more spacing between these groups like a real crib board, any suggestions ?

turner posted Sat, 31 August 2013 at 3:03 AM


Maybe make the sets of 5 then  mograph them :)



Schurby posted Sat, 31 August 2013 at 10:07 AM

Making holes the boole way will make it high in polys, for round holes and if it's not a close up, I use a n-Side spline. Make it 12 to 18 points, then a Extrude Nurbs, no caps, set on triangle then child the spline to it. Make Object Editable and make flat black. then position mograph. Alot cleaner model with a whole lot less polys. Just a suggestion.


Good Luck/ Schurby



cartesius posted Sat, 31 August 2013 at 2:51 PM

Yes, I agree with both suggestions: try to avoid boolean operations as far as possible and use MoGraph to first clone 1 board to get a group of 5, then clone that group to get the sides.


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ronshow posted Sat, 31 August 2013 at 4:20 PM

Thank you kindly all for the suggestions. @schurby - that makes a much better model, I did notice on my first attempt that the viewport slowed down some after that boole operation, its a three lane board which gave me 360 little holes. Still messing around to get the proper allignments but should be able to with your suggestions and some patients.