Forum: Poser Technical

Subject: RFC: OBJ Fidelity Tests

EnglishBob opened this issue on Apr 08, 2008 ยท 33 posts

EnglishBob posted Tue, 08 April 2008 at 5:47 AM

Attached Link:

The page linked above documents my investigations into how various 3D utilities treat a mesh in Wavefront OBJ format. I was thinking about the desirable attributes for a modeller which would be friendly towards Poser meshes - although Poser uses geometry defined using the OBJ format, it has its own quirks and interprets the format in its own way. I decided to see what existing applications were doing to a 3D model file that passed through their "hands". There are a lot of rules of thumb, almost superstitions, involved in most people's work flows - but I hadn't seen any objective measurement. Your comments will be welcome - and if anyone wants to try the test mesh on their own favourite modeller or utility, I'll be pleased to hear the results.