Demoniac II

2D Graphics released on Oct 16, 2020
Demoniac II by N/A

Photoshop CS6 and above
Adobe Photoshop
Available Uses:
Standard License, Merchant Resource

Demoniac II - merchant resource, that can be used to create your Free/Commercial projects. You will get 10 high quality makeups on .psd files. This makeups can be edited and adjusted to your needs. This makeups are created for Genesis 8. Tutorial on how to use files are also included. Perfect if you need that exorcism look or horror, bruised face.

Please note! If you do not know how to use Photoshop or do not own it, this resouce is not for you. Also this is a merchant resource, but you can use it to create characters for sale only. You can not use this set to create maleup resources for example.


10 makeup .psd files
Tutorial .pdf file

Resize Tools

Unzipped file size 215 mb

You can use this set to create clothing textures, free or for sale, but you can not use it to create similar resource.

Price: $20.00 USD

Prime Price: $11.00 USD
45% Off

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Price: $20.00 USD

Prime Price: $11.00 USD
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