Pleasure and Desire

released on Dec 05, 2018
Pleasure and Desire by N/A


Software: poser
External ID: 1515-1723
External Vendor: tempesta3d

Pleasure and Desire Feel the vibration of life! Pleasure, from eating an ice cream to feeling the breeze on the skin, it is a wonderful sensation that involves your body and mind, your inner soul. Desire, it's a powerful force that can motivate and inspire.
This is true for any experience of your life. The benefits will come back to you and multiply, leaving you more open to others, more creative, more confident and sexy.

This is a new pack of 30 facial expressions for V4.2, to put some of the most intense passions in any of your renders.
THIS SET OF EXPRESSIONS WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR MORPHS, SO THEY CAN BE USED WITH ANY CUSTOM CHARACTER YOU DESIRE TO RENDER WITH IT. ;)PLEASE, keep in mind that any morphed character or poses has is own characteristics and so you can have issues with this set. This doesn't depend on our facial expressions but on how the characters and poses are created. Express any sort of emotion with the Tempesta3d faces!!! In order to work you will have to own Poser any version, V4.2 and a PC These facial expressions can work also with V4 but it can have some issues.