58 Impala Classic - Extended License

3D Models released on Mar 08, 2011
58 Impala Classic - Extended License by N/A

Poser 6 & up, Daz Studio 3.0, Vue 6 Up, or any 3d program that opens OBJ files
Available Uses:

This package content is a highly detailed interior an exterior 1958 Impala car for Poser, Daz Studio, Vue.


- Fully posable figure (.cr2), props, materials, for Poser 6 up, Daz Studio 3.
- Many Materials for colors, chromes, fabrics, new and old.
- Has a Prop for snow on car and many materials for frost on car, chrome, glass for winter, and fall.
- VOB + Materials for Vue Esprit up.
- ERC dials on the BODY, works in Daz Studio.
- ERC Dial- Steering_L/R (affects both the front wheels and steering wheel).
- ERC Dial- LDoor/Open/Close.
- ERC Dial- LWindow/Down/Up
- ERC Dial- LVent/Open/Close
- ERC Dial- RDoor/Close/Open
- ERC Dial- RWindow/Down/Up
- ERC Dial- RVent/Close/Open
- ERC Dial- RearWindow/Down/Up
- ERC Dial- FrtSeat/Back/Forward
- ERC Dial- Hood/Open/Close
- ERC Dial- Trunk/Close/Open
- ERC Dial- LTire/Reverse/Forward
- ERC Dial- RTire/Reverse/Forward
= ERC Dial- RearTires/Reverse/Forward


- 27 Props for changing styles, hardtop, convertible, continental kit included plus many extras.
- 92 Materials for Poser and 85 Shader Presets for Daz Studio.
- 1 set of lights for Daz Studio an Poser.
- All textures jpgs for materials.
- 1 vob + 33 mat. Files for Vue
- All objects are included to be used in any 3D program that imports wavefront object type files.

See ReadMe for more details.

Price: $38.95 USD

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Price: $38.95 USD

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