ParasaurolophusDR - Extended License

3D Base Figures released on Feb 23, 2009
ParasaurolophusDR - Extended License by N/A

Poser 5-7,DAZ Studio
Available Uses:

Parasaurolophus is hadrosaurid from the Late Cretaceous Period, North America, about 76-73 million years ago.It was a herbivore that walked both as a biped and a quadruped.The crest had major functions as visual recognition of both species and sex and acoustic resonance.It was hollow, with distinct tubes leading from each nostril to the end of the crest before reversing direction and heading back down the crest and into the skull.

3 species (morphs) included:

P. walkeri (ParasaurolophusW) from Alberta differs from P. tubicen by having simpler tubes in its crest.Coexisted with other dinosaurs like Centrosaurus, Styracosaurus, and Chasmosaurus, duckbills Prosaurolophus, Gryposaurus, Corythosaurus and Lambeosaurus, tyrannosaurid Gorgosaurus and armored Edmontonia and Euoplocephalus.

P. tubicen (ParasaurolophusT) from New Mexico is the largest species, with more complex air passages in its crest.

P. cyrtocristatus (ParasaurolophusC) from New Mexico and Utah is the smallest species, with a short rounded crest.
Its small size and the form of its crest have led several scientists to suggest that it represents juveniles or females of P. tubicen,but this is not approved.
Both Mexican species coexisted with dinosaurs like sauropod Alamosaurus, duckbill Kritosaurus, horned Pentaceratops, armored Nodocephalosaurus, Saurornitholestes, and tyrannosaurid Gorgosaurus.

Price: $35.95 USD

313 1

Price: $35.95 USD

313 1