Sun, Feb 9, 12:03 AM CST

Passing Time

Terragen Landscape posted on Mar 18, 2005
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As always, criticism and comments much appreciated. I know it's not perfect, so I'd like you to tell me why. Once again the long_ridge_mod1b terrain. 100% Terragen. T4V&C!

Comments (7)



11:10AM | Fri, 18 March 2005

Wow...a very different type of image for terragen...


12:38PM | Fri, 18 March 2005

Agree with kenmo ... it's very different, but it is FANTASTIC! I have never seen something like this! Amazing!!!



2:55PM | Fri, 18 March 2005

Awesome effect with those clouds! I think the ground wouldn't be so dark in the clouds' shadows, but then again lightening it up might take away from that interesting sky.



3:11PM | Fri, 18 March 2005

Well, this render wouldn't get first in points of realsim achieved, but ... I feel strongly drawn into this picture and the massive movement in it. The strong contrasts, the rays of light and the shape of the clouds create a beauty of balance. I would not change a bit of this render, not even a single bit or byte in the colours.


1:45PM | Sun, 20 March 2005

Thanks a lot you guys. I was playing around a bit in Photoshop seeing if I could lighten it a bit, but like haloedrain said, it detracted from the clouds. I'm a bit unhappy with the lack of true surface on the mountain top though, wish I could get some texture up there.


8:01PM | Mon, 21 March 2005

There's those brushed looking clouds again. hmmm, seems I've seen that style somewhere before. Powerful and outstanding render Icarus5!



5:22PM | Sat, 16 April 2005

You have done a fantastic work here.

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