Sun, Feb 16, 4:01 AM CST

Judge me not...

Poser People posted on Feb 19, 2005
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I'm not Michael Jackson Fan, but there things in this world, i see so much wrong and worst facts and people who don't care about feelings of other persons, i really hate... :-0 If you know nothing really about a person, you cannot judge of him, you have not the right to do this...We're all Human and we are born to make mistakes, really everybody...!!! I found this statement in my picture collection (I picked it one day in a news Paper) and that impressed me so much! :-0 and sorry for my real bad english... :-) DAZ: preeschool girl, Clothe by Digital Cats Media, Hair called Charmed & the expressions and pose Face is Purete by Lady Jaiven Room Of Secrets is a *free* by Becco UK - thank you for this very special a great freebie.. -

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