Fri, Feb 14, 3:15 PM CST

Sunday's child

2D Illustration posted on Dec 27, 2004
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Painter & Photoshop

Comments (43)



7:02AM | Mon, 03 January 2005

...still trying to absorb your message here, but what I see so far is breathtaking. Her facial features resembles those of Botticelli's. Nice to see you using raster apps again :)



6:19AM | Tue, 04 January 2005

Living me allmost speechless!!! Allmost because of the spiders! Why? Is this a complot? Nevermind, your art is fantastic!!! v


12:02AM | Wed, 05 January 2005

simply amazing...wonderful artwork!



8:35AM | Wed, 05 January 2005

i still don't know what to say... it moves me - quite a lot... i guess it's the expressions of the faces... ich can tell you i'm really really stunned by the siders and the web - you did such an amazing work here...! wow... :) the faces are beyond good... :) but apart of those "technical details"... i really like this one... it was one of the few pics i looked at while christmas... and i still feel touched and moved by this one... again and again... thanks bev... hugs



7:48AM | Thu, 06 January 2005

Amazing and beautiful! Love the spiders...



1:39PM | Fri, 18 February 2005

I can see I have a lot to learn! Excellent!



5:51PM | Mon, 21 February 2005

Most Excellent Artwork!



6:09PM | Wed, 09 March 2005

only three words (+ some words ;): I LOVE YOUR ARTWORK, you are so special with your Art and thoughts, that it must be great, to see it at a real gallery . Every picture is stunning as you and its a gift for renderostiy to have you here. ( and for us too ) Ki.s my dear lady ;)


11:23PM | Sun, 13 March 2005

Wow, another great work of art....spiders? Stimualtes the mind to attempt to coceive what the artist is saying. Something of "Poe" here in your works.


7:11AM | Wed, 16 March 2005

A truly wrenching piece. Emotionally loaded, but conveying the emotion through facial expression alone. The technique, is, as usual, flawless. I'm afraid I have little to say that isn't at once obvious from a cursory glance though. The picture touches me so deeply, but I can only find words to talk about the surface.



1:32AM | Sun, 20 March 2005

LOL glad you sent me the message (fixed it) cause i got lucky enough to come here to see your beautiful artwork.. you are very talented and i dont know how i could have missed it before these faces have so much to them and are poWERFULLY done... AWESOME !!!! i used to be an art teacher and your someone i can learn from!



6:18PM | Sat, 03 January 2009




3:55AM | Fri, 09 January 2009

wonderful study

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